Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Negative thoughts produce negative effects.
Think positively

Monday, August 29, 2011

everyone deserves to eat

can you survive on this?
I was recently talking to a woman regarding her (attempted) weight loss - she was on a 'recommended' daily calorie intake of 850 calories. Yep - 850 calories - a DAY!!! She had come, wanting to buy some protein powder because .. she was starving. STARVING!!! really?! on 850 calories a day, anyone would be starving!
She was seeing a nutritionist - who was the one recommended she hunt out, protein powder - which 'may help her feel less hungry'. Not on your nelly! EAT?! Perhaps?! Eat more than 850 calories for the day? Then, surprisingly, you may feel less hungry!

There’s no reason weight loss should be an extreme process. Or. Such a negative process.

Further investigation revealed the 'nutritionist' was simply a provider of ... Optifast. I had never heard of this, and could not believe someone would really recommend such a low calorie intake to any human - let alone a morbidly obese woman, who until the point of contact with them had been eating a calorie dense, nutrient poor diet,  - and constantly struggling with depression, low self esteem, alongside the lack of appropriate knowledge to create positive change! With over forty years of attempting weight loss, the current inability to even walk very far without pure exhaustion and pain ... she was desperate to lose weight. Yet uneducated on how, no comprehension on the value of real food, and no familiarity on the ease with which to make delicious, quick healthy meals ... she had hedged her hopes (not for the first time) on this LOSE WEIGHT FAST plan. She had placed - her trust - in someone, whose only answer, encouragement, and motivation was, for her to starve herself !?! Every day.
Definition of exploitation? Taking advantage of a fragile, vulnerable human with a diet that is not going to achieve any positive long term result for her ... that is giving her NO energy to even get out of bed...  850 calories does not even give enough 'energy' for her organs to survive ... starvation, headaches, lethargy, her body, was slowly shutting down.
So - knowing nothing about this  'system' ... what to do when faced with ignorance? RESEARCH! Which I did. To say i am shocked - understatement.

optifast website (actual recommendation of their 'intensive stage' is <800 calories) - please PLEASE don't ever abuse your wonderful body by going on this 'diet' - no matter what you 'weigh' in kg terms ... (this IS of course my personal view - but EVERYONE DESERVES to be ALLOWED TO EAT, no matter what their weight or physical shape...) What joy is there to wake up every morning, knowing you are going to be starving all day long and have such little food to be able to choose from? Knowing, you are going to be starving and struggling from the days beginning to its end, trying to conquer the emotion of guilt if you eat, because you are hungry. During the internal chaotic fight, your body is wondering what the hell you are doing to it? It is a depressing state you put yourself in. Emotionally. You are also starving your brain of vital and needed nutrients for survival ... gosh,  it is as damaging as liposuction, or gastric band surgery, or any other 'quick fix' that promises so much, then delivers - so little.

You deserve the pleasure of eating, - good, healthy NUTRITIONAL food. You deserve, to sit down at the table, to a 'real' meal, that is going to satisfy you - in taste, in satiation, and visually! You deserve, to create change in your body, in a slow, safe direction for overall healthiness - long term ...

Thursday, August 18, 2011

a journey

When you have a lot of weight to lose, it is easy to come up with excuses rather than get yourself off the couch and into motion...
So by taking the initial action of getting up and heading to the gym, of joining and being a part of a like minded group of positive people, all with similar or fitness related goals in mind - youve taken a difficult step already. You have ACTIVELY chosen to get rid of the part of you that has become an expert in excuse-making and procrastination, and are choosing to work instead towards a new, healthier you... that's a fantastic commitment!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Self-delusion is pulling in your stomach when you step on the scales.
Paul Sweeney

Monday, August 15, 2011


To succeed in life - replace Mere Existence with Serious Living, Tardy Excuses with Sound Purpose and Indulgent Excesses with Self Control

Sunday, August 14, 2011

what being overweight does to you

our weight? it's so much more important what we are doing INSIDE to our bodies than the physical appearance which is often the main reason most want/decide to 'lose weight' ... unfortunately 'i want to lose weight so my heart functions at its best' is not a common incentive for 'losing weight' ... but, perhaps it should be...

read this article ...  incentive?
it should scare the living daylights out of us! all.
the unnecessary strain we place upon our internal organs when overweight is enormous, and DOES affect everything we do and how our bodies function ... short term, and definitely, long term!
read it, take it in - no new information in the article really, just an eye opening visual and description that should prompt everyone into an active and healthy lifestyle .... no matter what weight we are.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

no excuses! #03

But seriously though... what was your excuse?
Great question ... did you exercise? Did you go for a walk? Did you eat nutritionally? There really is NO excuse for not looking after ourselves in the best way we can.

This photo should be a big inspiration to everyone!

What a smile - this little dude shows everyone that nothing is impossible - when you head out into your day, give it everything you have... enjoy every moment, be passionate for life.

And ... if you ever feel like giving up - DON'T - give 110% to your goal and the rewards will come ...
Be. Motivated. Be. Inspired. And allow... NO excuses!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

mindful eating

M ~ make yourself a priority
I ~ inquire ~ why am I eating? - hunger, avoidance, temptation, routine, habit, boredom, beliefs
N ~ noise ~ avoid distractions, be present when eating
D ~ decide now to allow & accept ~ practice non-judgment
F ~ feel ~ allow, accept and welcome all feelings.
U ~ understand ~ practice understanding and compassion
L ~ love your body….. all of it!
E ~ enjoy the process and experience of food and eating
A ~ avoid being overly hungry – stay between 4-7 on the hunger scale
T ~ taste ~ temperature, aroma, speed, texture and experience
I ~ listen to your body ~ hunger and satiety cues
N ~ nurture yourself on all levels ~ mind, body, being
G ~ give thanks ~ practice gratitude for all that you are

Monday, August 8, 2011

a bit of fun

Diet Diary
I am going to start a diet, one I have not tried before.
You just liquidise your cabbage, then a cabbage drink you pour.
But then I'll need some chocolate. Just a little piece of chocolate.
And when I've eaten all my chocolate, I won't buy any more.
My friend said try the detox, it is wonderful they say.
It is beans with everything, I think. The pounds just fall away.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

yes we have no bananas

It seems we are still a while away from being able to purchase cheaper bananas, but, regardless of their price, - nutritional value for money, bananas are still a cheap food to buy compared to a lot of processed foods out there.
For those that live in the Airlie Beach area, the market man still sells bananas at roughly half the price of the supermarkets on a Saturday morning - heck, at the price, maybe its worth a trip to Airlie Beach!

banana power - significant antioxidant power, low glycaemic index, cancer fighter, for healthy blood pressure, healthy and happy insides and weight control

Saturday, August 6, 2011

no excuses! #02

This is just pure inspiration ... isn't it!?
when we lay in bed each morning with our list of excuses filling our heads of why we can't get up and exercise, even knowing how wonderful we feel when we DO ... or at the end of our work day when we once again use excuse after excuse to instead go home and sit in front of the tv screen ... think of those that ? .... *are*
Get up! Get out there - push yourself beyond your comfort zone ... see if it helps set you on your way from feeling lethargic to feeling GREAT instead!

I can't, isn't a reason to give up, it's a reason to try harder.

Friday, August 5, 2011

get back up

"There comes a time in your life, when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it. You surround yourself with people who make you laugh, forget the bad, and focus on the good. So, love the people who treat you right; pray for the ones who don't. Life is too short to be anything but happy. Falling down is a part of life; getting back up is living."

It can take a lifetime to realise the truth of those words but once you do, they can turn your life around.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

qotd - just do it

  • Every day someone in the world begins chasing their dreams.
  • Every day someone in the world realises one of their lifetime dreams.
  • Every day someone in the world begins to stop regretting and start living.
  • Every day someone in the world lets go of the past and embraces the now.
  • Every day someone wakes up with a smile of joy on their face and the wonder at being alive.
  • Every day someone becomes the person they were meant to be…
    Why? Because they made the decision to JUST DO IT.           Nike

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

qotd - indeed!

there is never any time better than *right now* ... to begin your journey towards a healthier lifestyle ...

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

nothing's impossible

Alice: I simply must get through!
Doorknob: Sorry, you're much too big. Simply impassible.
Alice: You mean impossible?
Doorknob: No, impassible. Nothing's impossible.

Monday, August 1, 2011


An interesting twist of semantics... it is however, equally a good reminder to us that are 'dedicated' ... to understand the differences between the two ...

There is a fine line - what's the line? Dedication allows balance in your life! Obsession allows none.

Be dedicated but never obsessed with all you are doing to create the positive changes you are achieving - it's a commitment to being the healthiest you you can be, but dont forget to always have other interests too ... enjoy life!