Tuesday, January 31, 2012

challenge week one

Great thanks to Maria, Whitsunday
Hair Studio ... playing, model :)
Alongside great nutrition, exercise is an integral part of being healthy and feeling absolutely amazing.
However, if you haven't exercised before - or haven't in a long time, then you need to begin by building a base. We all start somewhere! Head out into the fresh air each day and start ... walking. Start with 15 minutes and build on it. 10 minutes if that's all you can accomplish!!
And when you return, attack the second part of the challenge. Time yourself. Whether it's 2 or 20 of that exercise in the 30 seconds, build on it each day and be proud of your achievement as you see yourself improve. It's not simply about being overweight or obese, it's about becoming fit and healthy.

Beginner Challenge - EVERY day
Brisk walking - starting at 10/15 minutes and building to 30 minutes.
Yes! You CAN do it!

Then ... 30 seconds of each of the following exercises ...

Monday, January 30, 2012

towards one million ...

Let's all encourage each other towards a fitter and healthier community.
Be a part of the Whitsundays weight loss challenge and shed unwanted kilos. It doesn't matter if it's 5kgs or 50kgs you need to lose! Through the website, and through our weekly column in the Whitsunday Coast Guardian we will promote healthy eating, exercise, hints and tips and share stories to help keep you inspired and motivated along the journey. We will even throw in challenges along the way to keep you moving .... ;D
One million kilograms is the nationwide goal.... I wonder how much weight we can contribute as a community towards that astounding figure ... :) Let's see.
What do you have to do to join in?
To work towards a healthier you, then head to this link. Click on 'register myself' and pledge your kgs - after completing your own details - make sure you write in the team name - I have registered " Whitsunday Winners " as the team name for the Whitsunday locality. (Why? cos we ARE!!! :D )

Sunday, January 29, 2012

We all know what we have to put in to create change in our lives ...


"Do it now. You become successful the moment you start moving toward a worthwhile goal."
- Samuel Johnson

Saturday, January 21, 2012


One in four Australians aged 18 years and over is classed as obese and unfortunately this number is on a fast increase. Australia is officially listed as the fourth most overweight country in the world after the US, the UK, and New Zealand. Obesity now surpasses smoking as the biggest killer of Aussies.

Obesity and overweightedness has been associated with depression, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, anxiety, high cholesterol, asthma, injuries (back, neck, hip, knee, ankle), certain cancers, arthritis, chronic inflammation, heartburn, kidney stones, gout, and high blood pressure to name just a few chronic health diseases.

Does anyone REALLY want to live with illnesses that are preventable?

Thursday, January 19, 2012


"The only one who can tell you 'you can't ' is you.
And you don't have to listen."
                                                                        - Nike

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

why weight

We will be starting a weekly column in the Whitsunday Coast Guardian from Wednesday 1st February ....
If you are wanting to lose weight, if you are wanting to improve your health, let us know, the sorts of things you would like to read about. What would it take to motivate you? To inspire you? To get you started towards a healthier lifestyle? To keep you on that journey?  (or if you have already lost weight - share your story and become an inspiration to someone else ... )

With obesity on the rise, we need to get serious about creating changes and implementing positive choices that will create that change, as a human collective! As a nation, we can NOT afford to fund the costs involved. Overweighted'ness and obesity are already HUGE burdens within our health systems.
And, as individuals, our lives are MUCH too valuable to be wasted away with preventable illness and lethargic mindsets.
This trend CAN be reversed, and it begins with just one person at a time. YOU, be that person!

Take steps TODAY to create for yourself a fit and energetic life... get help, surround yourself with positive, motivated people as role models, create new, healthy habits, become consistent - both with nutrition and activity - put in the effort and do NOT be a part of that morbid statistic! Don't w(eigh)ait for tomorrow, today is here! Get into shape and make 2012 the year you make positive changes in your life and become the healthiest version of yourself that you can be. There really is - NO excuses.  Your life - is worth it!

Monday, January 16, 2012

2012 ... is it!

Every day we come up with an excuse of why, instead of right now, we will start exercising and eating healthy - tomorrow... on Monday... next week. Why? Because when we discover we have to step outside our comfort zone to get the results we are wanting, whether it be weight loss, or to be fitter and healthier... we have, yet another excuse to hang onto. What if we fail? What if results dont come quick enough? We all want the results ... yesterday! But.
The only time you can REALLY start? RIGHT NOW! This very moment. It's all you actually have. And the only way you can fail? Is if you don't .....? You got it - START!
So make a proactive choice for yourself, that 2012 is the year where you begin looking after the only thing you have - YOU! Your health, your life. Increase your energy levels. And really LIVE - the only life you have. Don't you think you're worth it? I do.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

don't sugarcoat it

wow ... today, through obesity prevention australia I was exposed to this link ....
Would this series of ads make any difference in australia? They are chilling. Direct. Obesity is a growing, yet preventable issue with so many related illnesses ... but to me, it's extra saddening when its kids that are overweight, and living their parents lifestyle. Brilliant article. Brilliant advertising. I think if they were placed on our televisions they would create some sort of impact - surely. As a parent, how could you watch any of those and not be affected .... I love them all. BUT!!!  I can also see why the controversy. They would certainly have to be followed through with an achievable plan of action, a realistic solution that is helpful and educative for everyone without causing a childs self esteem to be dampened. A jump-start to healthy habits. At home, and at school. Plus, addressing the emotional component of childhood obesity. (or the emotional component of obesity in general which is a huge factor!) This is, a big ask.
So there is definitely pros and cons for this sort of aggressive advertising ... and those that will agree with it, those that wont, but at the end of the day, we need to collectively work towards a healthier youth, inside and out. The result we all want, is the same. For our kids to be ... happy, healthy and having a load of fun!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

january group - sunday session two

A great start to the year with another Sunday morning client session at the Fitness Venue in Proserpine ... with many clients away on the christmas break it was fantastic to have a few still able to attend.
We trained together, then ate a yummy, healthy breakfast ... nice to sit around and chat with a relaxed atmosphere that the cumulative rush of our working weeks doesn't often allow for :)
Thank you for the awesome effort put in :D

Friday, January 6, 2012

to clients

Happy new year all.

Already six days in, I hope over the past week you have taken a moment to reflect and realise what was so awesome about 2012 for you. Grab hold of the big and the small victories, give yourself a big high five for all you achieved, and get excited about what you set to achieve in 2013. There is no value celebrating the new year with an old mindset, all you are going to get is the same result. So give thought to what are you going to do differently this year to become even healthier and fitter, in body and mind - drop excuses, shatter limiting self beliefs and know that YOU have the ability to achieve whatever you want in life.

For myself, the reflection of 2012, where I started, where I ended, has been an interesting journey. The highest of highs and low lows, like most. Life, I'm sure, is designed to keep us on our toes :)  A couple of personal achievements which I am proud of. I will continue on into 2013 with new personal and fitness goals to achieve, just like everyone else. And work hard towards them.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


"It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and some others are not." - James Gordon

be that person who IS ready! start making positive changes in your life, today.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

cheers to a successful year

2012 upon us already! I hope that christmas and the new year brought a lot of fun alongside some relaxation.
2011 was a huge year. We all worked towards different goals and achieved many individual and amazing results, so I hope everyone I have had the opportunity to train with continues to do that throughout 2012.
For me, 2011 was a year of amazing change within myself.  I was in the most fortunate position of having such a wonderful and aspiring group of individuals to train each week and through each of my clients, I was able to also grow personally in so many positive ways. I honestly am, the luckiest!!!! I'm so proud of every single person I trained throughout 2011 and the collective successes each achieved through the good ( and the ... occasionally, rough :D ) ... times.
It's amazing how we all, as such a diverse group, continue to learn so much from each other. I'm now looking forward to the support, growth and delight, throughout 2012, that we all bring once again, to one another.
It's going to be a pleasure to continue those journeys this year, plus also introduce newcomers, who are choosing to begin their own personal transformation and goalsetting this year in a positive way, to the amazing world a healthy lifestyle gives.
To me, there is nothing more satisfying than knowing when someone has given their training session, everything they have within them - physically and mentally - and they go away feeling absolutely amazing. For that then continues .. throughout their day .. throughout their week. Through both nutrition and exercise regularity....
Cheers for a very successful, and a fit and healthy 2012. For everyone. It's gonna be a helluva year - grab it, make it ridiculously amazing and attain every success for yourself that you can!!! YOU - ARE, worth it. :D