Wednesday, April 9, 2014

'inspriring australia' summit #02

Another inspiring Australia session with people who have done - amazing things.
The surprise was catching up with the inspirational Toni Wood who left the Whitsundays 3 years ago to move to Brisbane. More surprising we are both doing the same Weight Loss Consultants course. Many stories to share now as time goes by :)
Stayed on for the mastermind group in the afternoon this time - of GREAT benefit. And realised I still have SO much learning to do!
Life, I guess, is one continual lesson :)
The speakers:
Dr Chris Sarra
In his insightful presentation Dr Sarra will share how he challenged Australian educators to purge their collusion with low expectations of Aboriginal children and embrace a newer, more honourable, Stronger Smarter reality. Upsetting a status quo always brings many challenges especially when an entire profession must be challenged to transcend the toxic sludge of low expectations. Dr Sarra offers very personal and professional insights into some of these challenges as he overcame low expectations of himself as an Aboriginal student in school, as he overcame low expectations in one school, and how he has embraced the challenge of overcoming low expectations in all Australian schools.
Dr Chris Sarra is a world-class educationalist, government advisor, Commissioner to the Australian Rugby League Commission, and has won numerous awards and honours including QUT Chancellor’s Outstanding Alumnus and Faculty of Education Award Winner, and has twice won Australian Of The Year, Queensland. Dr Sarra has been featured on Australian Story, Courier Mail, The Daily Telegraph, 4BC and has had many numerous radio and television appearances.
David Warne
After ‘The Bounty’ was sold off to Hong Kong in 2006, David made a commitment to keep the tall ship dream alive in Australia. Five years ago , David was a broken man. Fighting off storms so fierce in the early days that no one thought he or the ships would survive. David, ( with the help of his incredible teams of people ) turned one sinking, rotten ship into a dynamic business with 4 ships, now turning exceeding 10 million dollars turnover and last month celebrated 250,000 customers, just 5 years later.
At his very core, David passionately believes that people are capable of achieving much more than they think possible. David shares a very personal story that delivers a very powerful and inspiring message. Throw the fear of failure overboard, unshackle destructive beliefs. Focus on setting sail and not on the rocks! Today, David is committed to creating and delivering extraordinary experiences for people all over the world.
Jason Webb
Jason Webb shares his incredible journey of starting out his career as a personal trainer to discovering his incredible ability to build businesses locally and internationally. Jason puts this down to the power of building trust quickly, being authentic and maintaining integrity at all times. This has allowed Jason to turn ideas in money within 24 hours, and build such strong relationships that he has been able to generate $100,000 from one single text message.
Mero Samuel
Mero Samuel migrated to Australia with his family at the age of eight in 1988. He began his first business at the age of 14, and since then has founded six multimillion dollar business ventures in a number of industries. From humble beginnings and challenged with many obstacles throughout his life.
Mero also works closely on a number of youth projects which he founded over the past decade including a number of philanthropic projects in his home country, Egypt and the Fiji Islands.

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