I started writing this column back in January, aiming it at those who were sedentary, hopefully encouraging them to become active and those who were overweight, hopefully encouraging them to become healthy. Spring is now upon us with summer knocking on the door. The layers of clothing that have been protecting us throughout the winter are already starting to be peeled off. Do we like what we see? Are we enjoying how we feel?
I don’t believe in focusing on a ‘number’ weight. It can be detrimental to an extent and very limiting as there are too many factors it doesn’t take into account. Yet most wanting to ‘shed fat’ are focused on losing ‘x amount of kgs’ rather than saying they want a healthy and functional body. So based on that, do you realise since I started writing, if you had taken change on board, losing weight at the rate of half a kilo a week, right now you would be 16 kilograms lighter.