When did you start at the gym/what motivated you to join?
On several occasions over the years I had commented to a friend that I needed to get fit and lose weight. He rang and asked if I would help him out by coming to the gym with him. Here I was, obese plus and so unfit it was embarrassing.
Around this time I was going through another one of those phases where I knew that I had to get serious about changing my eating habits, losing weight and getting fit. I was also going through a difficult, stressful time. This was it. I couldn’t come up with any more excuses! So, with much fear - venturing into the unknown and very self-conscious about my size and lack of any sort of fitness I started going to Fitness Venue Proserpine in March this year.
Had you exercised before?
I had tried walking by myself but was so unfit I could hardly manage to walk one block - my knees hurt and I found it difficult to breath. I didn’t enjoy it! I am embarrassed to say that I had not done any exercise at all really since I was a teenager.
What kinds of exercise do you participate in?
With the 24 hour access, I started to go to the gym four or five times a week when no one else was around with my friend supporting and pushing me. We started with light weights and added a new cardio machine each week. It was a slow process as I was so unfit. Not only did I start to exercise but I got serious with healthy eating. No diets but consciously trying to reduce the size of my meals and making healthy choices, a change to a healthy lifestyle.
After about five months of gradual improvement and with the support of the instructors I started to do a cardiobox class at the gym with a neighbour. As my confidence and fitness improved, I added different classes such as combat and pump. Throughout my journey at the gym, the instructors and other patrons have been and continue to be very helpful, supportive and encouraging.
My supportive girlfriend talked me (well dragged me along) into doing a ten week Weekend Warrior bootcamp with Ann. I thought I was going to die. Here I was carrying a tyre, lifting kopper logs and doing my version of running - but guess what? I manage to get through each session, admittedly with a few variations to suit my fitness level. I am now continuing with bootcamp and loving the new challenges each week.
I am encouraged by the ongoing improvement in my fitness and the way my body shape is changing. And of course the fact that I have lost 20 kgs (thus far) helps. It’s the silly little things like the steering wheel not rubbing on your belly, being able to strap my feet into the rowing machine, being able to walk up the stairs without puffing. After nine months I am proud to say that I can grab my ankle in some stretches, I can jump and I can skip!!! Wow. I feel GREAT and have so much more energy and can do so much more. I am amazed at how much your body tones.
It is true what they say with regards to exercise being a great stress reliever. This has been a great bonus for me and helps me cope with the dramas of life. An unexpected perk has been the great friendships I have made. I enjoy going to the gym not only to benefit me physically and mentally but to also meet and catch up with the new friends I have made.
Do you think it is a journey you will continue and can maintain for the rest of your life?
Exercise has become a way of life for me (never thought I would think like this). After experiencing so many positives from regular exercise, I am committed that this will remain an important part of my daily routine. I am determined that I will not go back to what I was nine months ago. My family are supportive and have in fact joined me in the experience, sometimes kicking and screaming, but IT IS ALL ABOUT ME!!
Would you recommend others who are currently sedentary to exercise?
What I have discovered is that people of all shapes and sizes and fitness levels are embraced by this gym community. Taking the first step and getting yourself through that door is the hardest part. If I can do it then anyone can!
Inspiration to keep us all moving until next week, Ann.
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Questions/thoughts to annparrott@optusnet.com.au • 0412 753 899
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