Wednesday, July 3, 2013

step away from complacency

The second month of winter already! It’s freezing in the morning as you snuggle up in your cosy bed, then it’s cold and dark early in the evening. It’s easy to come up with excuses rather than get yourself out of bed or off the couch and into motion and, easy to fill yourself up on stodgy food.
Every day we can all come up with an excuse as to why, instead of right now, we will start exercising and eating healthy - tomorrow... on Monday... next week, when it’s warmer again! Why? Because we have to step outside our comfort zone to get the results we are wanting, whether it be weight loss, or to be fitter and healthier. We all have comfort zones a little too small. We know what we like and what works for us, we know what we believe in, so why do we have to venture out to the unknown? Because the rewards are worth it!
What is it you’re after - comfort or transformation?  Make room for change and you’re making room for excitement and adventure!

We know the quote “Nothing changes, if nothing changes.” And this, is true. If you want to change anything about yourself and move in a different direction you have to be willing to step outside the norm, make yourself a little uncomfortable. Results require hard work. What if you fail? What if results you’re after don’t come quick enough? What - gulp - if they don’t come, at all?! What if? Well, what if you never start? Where will you be this time next year? In five years? In ten?

“While there are many variables which play a role in a transformation it’s the person with a willingness to step outside their comfort zone, who is the person that will succeed. Time after time. Once we acknowledge (and accept) that lasting transformation can only occur when we face our fears and choose to get uncomfortable on a regular basis, then we begin to move from our limitations to empowerment.”

Sometimes all it takes is a simple shift in perspective. Many times in life, we do things because we think we should or because we feel guilty. We workout a little harder, or a little longer, because we ate unhealthily or skipped exercise the day before, but don’t exercise with remorseful connections. Give yourself positive reasons for getting into the gym! Workout because you want your body to be strong and healthy. Go for a run because you love having the energy for your children. Respect your body. Push yourself hard because you know that when you are finished the rush of endorphins will be your reward! Always stay positive, look towards the future, and be proud of the accomplishments you make. Being healthy is a step by step process, it doesn’t happen over night. But yes, it DOES happen - outside your comfort zone!

With obesity continually on the rise we need to get serious about creating and implementing choices that will create positive change, as a human collective! Being overweight and obese are huge burdens within our health systems. This trend can be reversed, and it begins with just one person at a time. So why not YOU, to be that person? Absolutely no reason why not. Get up! Get out there - push yourself beyond your comfort zone... see if it helps set you on your way from feeling lackadaisical to feeling GREAT instead - I know it will!

As individuals, our lives are much too valuable to be wasted away with preventable illness and lethargic mindsets.

So make a proactive choice for yourself and begin looking after the only thing you have - YOU! Your health, your life.

Take a step away from complacency this week... step outside your familiar square and really live. I would love to hear about the changes you implement, Ann.

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