Tuesday, April 19, 2011

tuesday, termination

up early to get a run in before heading to the airport.
ran with bernie along 'the bay' ... its always interesting to see other peoples 'regular runs' and having the opportunity to be a part of them.. i remember doing rays back in december after c2k and his 'bay' was a different one :D
this morning, it was great to witness night turning to day as we ran along the coastline
bd was gonna join us on his bike but stayed in bed instead when the cold dark morning greeted us :D haha. SOFT!! :P

had to be at the airport by 7.30ish ....
meeting michelle and on the plane back with her.... the plane from brisbane was running late so i started to become panicked because i had less than an hour to get from prossy airport to whitsunday airport to pick kerrin up ... got there just after her flight arrived though. that gave relief cos even though it was out of my control, i felt awful if she had to be left waiting. ive got to learn to relax ... somehow.
but, the bonus of the brissy to prossy? we got the 'extra leg room' i must say. what a difference that actually really does make :) and all you have to do is listen to them tell you what to do in case of an emergency, not so sure we really listened that intently but i do recall saying to michelle, what if we REALLY have to do that! and we havent really taken much notice. heh... wouldnt we feel bad? :D
i do so much solo flying, it was nice sitting next to someone i know for a change.
grabbed kerrin, got her back to her place, she had to get organised for classes.
i was the fortunate one of us all. i got to head home. take some time to myself. and simply. relax and reflect.

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