Tuesday, July 31, 2012

mudder of a bootcamp

Fortify your workouts!
Long term goal will be working towards entering a team into the Tough Mudder event next year, but certainly not a necessity - not all joining in will want to do that but still love 'bootcamp'.
Outdoor endurnace training - it's about being strong, healthy, and fit, that you're capable of that, or anything you want to do in life! And, about team work, with everyone encouraging and motivating each other. Win win!

6am Saturday will be based in Cannonvale - 7am Sunday alternating between Prossy and Cannonvale. We will, however, also be having a couple of 'mud sessions' :D - which are out of town, but will organise car pooling when we have those.

Want to join in? Shoot me an email (ann.parrott@optusnet.com.au)
or txt 0412 753 899, there is maximum 10 spots for each one ...

Sunday, July 29, 2012

kale delight


my delightful little kale plant kindly given to me by a client now boast about a dozen leaves :D

need to re-plant them in a bigger area so they continue to grow.

i dont normally have a green thumb at all so pretty impressed they didnt just die. probable still a long while till i can start juicing them though haha!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

no excuses! #12

now if this pair can't inspire us I have no idea what will :)
beautiful isn't it...

instant gratification

Are you consumed by the world of “instant gratification”? How is it helping or hurting your distinct and specific goals?
We are aware of the lure of instant gratification. Everywhere you look people are attempting to take shortcuts to the goals they have set themselves. Humans like immediate. It’s easy to understand. Immediate makes sense to us. But how realistic is it?
Last night, what did you eat for dinner? I had an egg white omelette filled with spinach leaves, avocado and vegies  - probably my most favourite meal so a little unfair for comparison. It’s not that difficult to make but it is a little time consuming. Separating eggs. Cutting vegies. Cooking. Gosh, all of five minutes. High protein. Healthy. After eating, I didn’t head to a mirror to see if I had lost any weight because I had eaten something healthy. There wouldn’t be an immediate visible result, (darn!) I could have raced through the drive-thru at any fast food outlet and ordered something loaded with fatty and sugary ingredients. It possibly would have been quicker, easier and provided immediate satisfaction. Other than ‘feeling’ bloated and heavy from eating stodgy, sugary food, once again, neither would my weight have immediately ballooned visibly.

Monday, July 23, 2012


absolutely! we all waste so much time thinking, focusing and obsessing on the people that will constantly try to bring us down or belittle our thought processes...
remove them from your life, and free up your time and head space to put towards those that will contribute to your positive growth and successes ...

Friday, July 20, 2012


what a wise idea ...

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

any bootcampers!

something just touched my foot. RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bootcamp ... tough mudder style?! well, minus the mud. though ...... i HAVE been offered the use of a mud paddock :) so maybe we can incorporate it sometime down the track. oh my goodness what a load of fun that would be!
nope. it's all about getting outselves, fit, healthy, and STRONG! then who knows what we are capable of!
two options for bootcamp. saturday morning at 6am or sunday morning at 7am. ... interested in joining in? let me know your preference. :)
contact me on 0412 753 899 or email ann.parrott@optusnet.com.au

challenge yourself

Sunday, July 15, 2012

how to use chia seeds

Chia seeds are indeed a superfood. They have
  • 2x the amount of protein of any grains
  • 3x the amount of antioxidants of blueberries
  • 5x more calcium than milk
  • 2x the amount of potassium in a banana
  • 3x the iron of spinach
  • Chia seeds are also loaded with Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids and have trace amounts of boron, which is an essential mineral to help transfer calcium to the bones.
For those that have asked ... found a few innovative ways (via various searches) on how to use chia seeds ... SUPEReasy to incorporate into your diet.
Below is a list of examples, if you come up with others let me know, I would love to hear of your unique ways and I can add them to the list ...

Saturday, July 14, 2012

value plus

expensive to eat healthy?
$20 at the fruit shop at whitsunday shopping centre today ...
2 dozen eggs, HUGE bunch of celery, 3 HUGE cucumbers, a bunch of greens, a bunch of mint, 3 zuccini, 2 pineapples, 4 squash, 4 carrots, 2 butternut pumpkins and... 850grams of ginger!!!
now that's value in a box!!

Friday, July 13, 2012

chia seeds

What are the top ten ways you benefit from eating chia seeds?
The top ten benefits of eating chia seeds seen here are in no particular order. Which one is most important to you?   

1. Lose Weight Without Starving
The Chia Seed is a dieter’s dream come true. The tiny, healthy seeds can be made to taste like whatever you want, and their unique gelling action keeps you feeling full for hours. Hunger is a main enemy of real weight loss, and you don’t want to fight it with jittery expensive pills. When a chia seed is exposed to water, it forms a coating of gel, increasing its size and weight.

2. Balance Blood Sugar
Keeping balanced levels of blood sugar is important for both health and energy. Blood sugar may spike after meals, especially if you eat high-starchy foods or sweets. This can lead to ‘slumps’ in your day where you feel tired and out of energy. By balancing your blood sugar, you not only lower your risk for type 2 diabetes, but you also ensure steady, constant energy throughout your day.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

a fitness escape...

"an out of the way piece of paradise, with long stretches of sandy beaches sliding down to gorgeous tropical water" ... only four weeks away ...
Cape Gloucester, Ecoresort ... Friday 10, Saturday 11, Sunday 12 August 2012
Book now http://www.whitsundayfitnessescape.com/

the remaining 2012 weekends ...

no excuses! #11

"You're not disabled by the disabilities you have, you are able by the abilities you have."
~ Oscar Pistorius

There are NO excuses!

outside that comfort zone

It’s the middle of winter. It’s freezing in the morning as you snuggle up in your cozy bed, then it’s cold and dark so early in the evening. It’s easy to come up with excuses rather than get yourself out of bed or off the couch and into motion. And it’s easy to fill yourself up on stodgy food.
Every day we can all come up with an excuse as to why, instead of right now, we will start exercising and eating healthy - tomorrow... on Monday... next week, when it’s warmer again! Why? Because we have to step outside our comfort zone to get the results we are wanting, whether it be weight loss, or to simply be fitter and healthier. We all have comfort zones a little too small. We know what we like and what works for us, we know what we believe in, so why do we have to venture out to the unknown? Because the rewards are worth it!
What is it you’re after - comfort or transformation?  Make room for change and you’re making room for excitement and adventure!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

juicing berries

      yum yum YUM!

      from juiceupyourlife.tv

Monday, July 9, 2012

no excuses! #10

If you think there's ton's of reasons why you can't workout, then think again ... here is true inspiration...

What's your excuse?


     It’s good to do uncomfortable things.
     It’s weight training for life.
                                                                       ~ Anne Lamott

Sunday, July 8, 2012

a ladder, a rope and ... ? an ambulance!

WOW .... energy plus this morning :) the plus? oh, an ambulance. everything worked out good in the end though, for those concerned. I spent the rest of the morning at the hospital with wendy, the doctors a little snowed under down there today, we were surrounded by coughing coughing and MORE coughing! a jab and some muscle relaxants, some xrays taken and then we got her home to have a (hopefully) relaxed afternoon.
Pre that though - solid workout ... you all never cease to amaze me with your increasing levels of fitness and the give it everything I got attitude you bring to all your training sessions. Thank you continuing and not losing momentum ... x
I always love the opportunity to get together as a group. Great workout, yummy brekky!
Thank you to each and every one of you that was able to attend ... and cheers until the next one!
all photos

Saturday, July 7, 2012


“Fat loss is simple once you realise how hard it is.”
Then you know how much effort, honesty, responsibility, long-range planning, creativity, intensity, discipline, thought and control the process is going to take. It is not easy. It is not going to happen from any magic pill. Only once you accept that will you succeed.

Friday, July 6, 2012


“The Mode of CAN’T: If you go from ‘I want that but I CAN’T have that’ to ‘I CAN have it but I don’t want it’ there’s a massive paradigm shift”
Jason Vale Juice Master from Hungry For Change

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

tough mudder whitsundays!

Tough Mudder is more than an event, it’s a way of thinking. By entering a Tough Mudder challenge, you’ll unlock a true sense of accomplishment, have a great time, and discover a camaraderie with your fellow participants that’s experienced all too rarely these days. Tough Mudder events are hardcore 18-20 km obstacle courses with 25-30 military-style obstacles. As the leading company in the booming obstacle course industry, Tough Mudder has already challenged 500,000 participants worldwide.
I will be entering a team from the Whitsundays for the 17/18 August 2013 - and will be starting 'tough mudder bootcamps' very shortly ... if anyone is interested please let me know :) how absolutely EXCITING an event! we may get a few bumps and bruises, but hey, we're tough!


How much WEIGHT the skeletal structure has to hold...
As a personal trainer, it gives me immense delight when I see someone working towards their goals successfully. They don’t just work towards a physical transformation, but also a healthy mind and spirit. I’ve been incredibly lucky to witness many clients morph into entirely different people - physically, mentally and emotionally, thanks to the positive changes - decisive changes - they make to their lives.
Most of us are aware the problems obesity can cause. Being overweight or obese puts you at risk for many diseases and conditions. The more body fat you have the more likely you are to develop: coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, gallstones, breathing problems... preventable illnesses. Yet this risk doesn’t appear to concern many people. Maybe we think that won’t be us?

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

surrendering to facebook

for those who follow this blog - I have succumbed! to make interaction easier I have started up a new facebook page where I will place the majority of the quotes, articles, etc  ...

Interact. Head to 'annpt' on facebook and hit the like button...

the blog will continue to be updated regularly though :)

Monday, July 2, 2012



                                       Make this week count...