Wednesday, April 16, 2014

it's easter already!

Hi everyone, 
Well a couple of months has gone by very quickly hasn't it?! Easter already. I know I said I would stay in contact and I thought I would have written long before this but I can't begin to say how difficult and hectic moving can be, though I'm sure some of you know! I've had many of you writing me via facebook and email which is lovely you have stayed in contact.
And I have been able to catch up with quite a few though down here in Brisbane when you’ve  been visiting which has been amazingly exciting to do! So if anyone is ever visiting Brisbane please let me know so we can organise a catchup.

I hope everyone is still on track and keeping health as a natural priority of life. I would love to hear back those who i haven't spoken to see how you are all going. There IS lots that I miss - but clients and knowing how you all are and keeping you on track, most definitely.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

i ♥ sleep

A simple thing like not getting enough sleep could be a huge reason why you're not losing as much weight as you want.
Recent studies have shown that people who sleep six hours or less a night and more than nine hours are more likely to be obese or overweight.
Not only is sleep deprivation associated with a number of unhealthy conditions but the combination of these habits can lead to a state of being unable to sleep. The main benefits from giving your body enough rest and sleep are:
  -  Faster recovery    -  Quicker wound healing
-  Gives your organs time to rest     -  Boost energy levels
-  Improved weight loss

An interesting article on cycles of sleep for those who feel they don't necessarily fit in with the 'expected' sleep patterns that most of us live by  >

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

'inspriring australia' summit #02

Another inspiring Australia session with people who have done - amazing things.
The surprise was catching up with the inspirational Toni Wood who left the Whitsundays 3 years ago to move to Brisbane. More surprising we are both doing the same Weight Loss Consultants course. Many stories to share now as time goes by :)
Stayed on for the mastermind group in the afternoon this time - of GREAT benefit. And realised I still have SO much learning to do!
Life, I guess, is one continual lesson :)
The speakers:

Thursday, April 3, 2014

LTL single group sessions

Other session times available. Enquire today.
Are you fed up with dieting, wearing clothes that feel tighter each day and feeling self-conscious about your weight? Want more fun in your life - energy for the kids, energy for yourself!?
The Lighten the Load program is a series of group workshops/training sessions that goes beyond a single session each week. It’s a positive, fun environment where YOU can feel excited and invigorated to improve your health, fitness and well being, long term. You will confidently learn how to achieve a successful transformation through healthy eating and movement. This is not ‘another’ diet; this is a unique opportunity to explore and modify lifestyle choices that will  change YOU in a positive way.
Everyone participating will also be supplied with ‘homework’ - ideas to incorporate motivation and movement into every day!
All handouts etc used each week are provided to take home and refer back to as required.
Ongoing regular support to keep you on track EVERY day - both from myself and others in the group via our sessions and interchange of email, texts etc.
Participants MUST have a minimum of 20kilos to lose. The reason behind this is the support of others on a similar goal/journey – and specially for those who could possibly feel intimidated or concerned to ‘begin’.
If you head to the facebook page, (ltl photos) or website or blog and take a look at previous groups I know they will vouch that having others on a like minded journey has been of great value to them, and they discover that stepping out of a ‘comfort zone’ into a new and exciting lifestyle full of energy is empowering. Plus the laughter, camaraderie and chat along the way has been invaluable to them amongst such a fantastic group/setting.