Wednesday, April 16, 2014

it's easter already!

Hi everyone, 
Well a couple of months has gone by very quickly hasn't it?! Easter already. I know I said I would stay in contact and I thought I would have written long before this but I can't begin to say how difficult and hectic moving can be, though I'm sure some of you know! I've had many of you writing me via facebook and email which is lovely you have stayed in contact.
And I have been able to catch up with quite a few though down here in Brisbane when you’ve  been visiting which has been amazingly exciting to do! So if anyone is ever visiting Brisbane please let me know so we can organise a catchup.

I hope everyone is still on track and keeping health as a natural priority of life. I would love to hear back those who i haven't spoken to see how you are all going. There IS lots that I miss - but clients and knowing how you all are and keeping you on track, most definitely.

I have to admit when I first moved I was relatively chaotic and all over the place. I couldn’t move into (my new) home until April 1st so was living out of a suitcase at my nieces ( in lovely style though) but with lots of travel to do workwise and to even partake of the things I wanted to do as she lives half hour out of the city. On a good day ;) throw in peak hour traffic and that could be doubled :D Hmmm and throw in me getting lost (Wendy?! no, I'm good right!) maybe it could be tripled occasionally :D So everything i did seemed to involve tons of time spent travelling. 
But now - just when I was getting used to the traffic and getting lost – I am finally moved :) and living inner city at the Docks at Kangaroo Point, right near the gym. My furniture didn't arrive till a week after that as I haven’t really had any designated time for sorting, I am actually only just beginning to see the floor and be settled in.

The city is a 5 minute ferry ride or if I'm feeling a little leisurely I can catch it the opposite side (oh the options ;) ) and take a half hour river tour under Story Bridge on my way over (which I LOVE by the way!) See dolphins now and again - which apparently is strange for them to be so far downstream.  I don't think I will ever tire of ferry travel. The car has become a garaged machine that i will now only ever have to use on rare occasions. Everything's a walk away. 
On the workfront - I haven't been slothful! Since day one of being here I have been working towards my actual goals.

I have been training clients at Kangaroo Point Health and Fitness. I have been doing some graphic design work.
Things at times haven't appeared to ‘move’ as quickly as I have wanted them to. I am learning patience. Whatever we are after though, we just have to keep going right, and staying to task and – it’s about never giving up. A lesson somewhere there. I am full of them
The positives though.
I've been able to go to all the Weight Loss mastermind sessions and learn so much which has been fantastic as I have never been able to get to them before. It's of great advantage to be around people who are wanting to work in a similar area, and to grow and brainstorm and be up to date with everything. I am one module away from getting my Diploma, so by mid May, I shall be complete :D

I shall be helping out at the Annual Weight Loss Leaders Summit in mid May which will teach me lots not only about overweightedness and obesity, but also running events! ;)
A couple of days ago I took over as admin on the Obesity Prevention Australia inc group on FB. A long story to that and it has always been my long term goal to work in somehow with Obesity Prevention Australia, but it looks like it is going to be more hands on than I realised. Please join the group and contribute/share info / anything motivational or, even your story! Remember, EVERYONE has a story they can share!  Obesity, affects everyone not just those who are overweight.
I will have more to share about that as time passes by and I begin taking to task other areas that need attention too. 
Done a superb and motivating 3 day course with Marina Perry who runs many successful gyms here in brisbane and has the Lean Mumma set of dvds that some of you may know. (Did that with Storm so an incredibly positive mother/daughter weekend) Cost a fortune (eeeek!) but worth it. And we have 3 mastermind sessions to still attend for it to see how things are travelling along. The change in Storm has been immense and Im sure she would say the same about me. We, are embracing life.
Did a weekend workshop with Jeffrey Slayter who is a business coach and one of the top ten speakers in the world. Would love to do more in the future.
Got to hear Travis Bell (bucket list guy for those who don’t know who that is) and Guy Newman (olympian) speak – both totally motivational. Guy newman actually had me mesmerised with his ability to make you challenge your thoughts.
And on top of that I have been influenced by two successful business/training guys - Jon Goodman and Paul Timms.
Have been doing all of Paul Timms Inspiring Australia sessions. (am going to run one of my own - let's inspire Australia! stay tuned!) and have done a couple of the business sessions. Jon, an American PT, is helping on the training side.
All of the above which, creates a better me, for all the people I work with or who's lives I touch in some way- now or in the future! And it creates a better me, even for all you guys still!
So yes, it's been a hectic couple of months indeed. But certainly not dull. Perfect to be part of just uplifting, excited and inspiring people - every, single day.
And finally, perhaps more importantly, I've been working on a few things which were part reason for my move to Brisbane.

I giving thought to a Lighten the Load weight loss intensive that may interest a couple of you > two options to choose from - a weekend retreat or a week retreat. (and a fitness one too!) Based on health, exercise and mindset – creating the balance. I'm still sourcing the final accommodation so I can make it as affordable for as many to join in as possible so if interested, please let me know and I will send you the final info when it’s complete. I've a few Brisbane hands up which is really cool. And I do have to say it's what I am most excited about as a few of you came along to the ones that I ran with Michelle. Similar. But different ;) Unfortunately I had not been in a position where I could run those anymore. So these should be very exciting and I can’t wait!

I've had many requests for programmes and also if I can still train people but online. I've actually had queries over the past couple of years re that and always said no, but towards the end of last year, it's something i have put a lot of thought into.
I will continue looking into it and see if I  can be of value to people not only here in Brisbane but all over the country. For those that who have enquired on that I will be in contact as soon as it's finalised. (It would NOT a Michelle Bridges style of thing) It is still personalised training and I will be working one on one with clients. 

And finally, the hardest nut to crack :) I have still been working towards being of assistance to those who are morbidly obese and questioning of everyone who has any possibility of steering me in the right direction. Working in their homes and in a more intense manner, I'm yet to conquer! One day, I will. If anyone has ideas, please pass them on ;) For the moment, it's something I keep notetaking, learning about and filing away in a segmented part of my mind.
Always. Keep learning. Sounds like a good motto :)

Hey. Momentarily off track, (unusual eh ;) I haven’t changed much!) but if you haven’t seen it, see the Lego movie. Now there’s a story with a  good motto – don’t get that often in movies. I went on my own, so one doesn’t need kids to go see it!

A thought provoking article to finish.  Do any of these resonate with you? We never know what life brings us, so - live it well, never put limitations on yourself and - never have regrets :)
Until next time, stay happy, healthy and excited. About life. Every single day!
May you all have a wonderful and safe holiday period.
Ann :)
0412 753 899

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