Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Most people don’t like change. Their own, or others. It makes them feel uncomfortable and many go to great lengths to avoid change in their lives - good or bad.
Getting fit through diet and exercise creates big changes - adjustments you welcome. But for some, family and friends who aren’t in the same mindset can become jealous and uncomfortable with the transformation - they can become your greatest obstacle. Saboteurs.
Family, friends and colleagues have gotten used to you acting a certain way. They think they know you. So when you start to change... it makes them feel uncomfortable.
This happens because they fear change; it’s not that they don’t  necessarily want you to achieve your goals, but they may be unsure of how your changes will affect them:

the end of overeating

'David A. Kessler, who led the battle against the tobacco industry, now joins the fight against obesity. His message is important: the problem is not only the behaviour of profit-driven food companies, but also the daily choices that each one of us makes' Eric Schlosser, author of Fast Food Nation

Many of us find ourselves powerless in front of a bag of crisps, a packet of biscuits, the last slice of pizza. But why is that so many of us simply can't say no?
In The End of Overeating, David Kessler, the dynamic former head of the US Food and Drug Administration, exposes how modern food manufacturers have hijacked the brains of millions by turning our meals into perfectly engineered portions of fat, salt and sugar. The result is a ticking time-­bomb of obesity, heart conditions and a mass of health problems around the globe.

Monday, August 19, 2013

chicken avocado salad

oh my goodness deliciousness!
2 or 3 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
1 avocado
1/4 chopped onion
juice of 1/2 a lime
2 tbsp cilantro

Cook chicken breast until done, let cool, and then shred. Mix with all other ingredients.
That simple and easy!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

making change

Upon making a definitive decision to lose weight and become healthier there are usually many changes we all need to consider.
For most of us it becomes a roller coaster journey and the challenges faced can either leave us exhilarated when we feel we are succeeding or simply floored when we feel we have veered off the path.
What are you going to do when it’s tougher - quit because it’s hard? Quit because success hasn’t occured overnight? Quit because someone said you can’t do it? No, you’re better than that. You’re going to keep on pushing, learning, and growing.
For those on the cusp of that decision - whether you’re thinking of cleaning out the kitchen cupboards to begin eating more healthy or to finally start exercising, STOP procrastinating and do it - now!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

be an active participant

If you’re unhappy or overweight, what are you getting out of remaining where you are? Nothing? The ultimate goal for most people is happiness and great health so they can live their life to its fullest. Yet we all become so content in our set ways that few of us are willing to make the changes necessary to create what we wish for ourselves. We plod along in blind acceptance with brick walls built up around us. If you really want change for yourself, you have two choices. Make progress, or make excuses.

People are scared of change. Some will walk through their whole life and never do an iota of introspection. They will never truly question why their life is not going the way they want or question what they can do to improve their situation. If you want to be fitter, if you want a healthier body, there is no solution other than making smarter food choices and becoming active. Change, DOES require change. It does require, stepping out of your comfort zone.