Friday, October 31, 2014

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Often you will hear people say “I don’t have the willpower to lose weight.” They talk about willpower as if it’s a personal trait that some are born with but not them - some people have it, they don’t, and it’s something that comes and goes of its own accord. It’s as if willpower is something magical - just wait for it to come and don’t bother with the planning, organising and practicing of habits that are needed in order to achieve change.

Willpower isn’t something you are born with or without, nor is it magical - it’s simply a skill. Self control, that can be learned. You’ve got to understand that your body is the way it is right now because that’s how it has adapted to the lifestyle you’re living. If you want to change your body, you’ve also got to change that lifestyle by finding more constructive ways to adapt to your circumstances. By thinking ahead, setting achievable targets and planning healthy eating and consistent exercise into your routine and lifestyle, your confidence in your ability to change will grow and grow.

"You won’t lose weight by exercising more if you’re ignoring nutrition. You won’t get fit by dieting if you’re skipping workouts. Everything works in unison."

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

swing - to save the children

25 days to go till the Stormchild faces a fear and .... throws herself off this bridge!!  

she still needs to raise enough though to be eligible, so please if you can, support/sponsor her for a great cause - 'save the children' fund.

head to her save the children page for further information or to leave a donation - all donations, big and small, are of course tax deductible.