Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Often you will hear people say “I don’t have the willpower to lose weight.” They talk about willpower as if it’s a personal trait that some are born with but not them - some people have it, they don’t, and it’s something that comes and goes of its own accord. It’s as if willpower is something magical - just wait for it to come and don’t bother with the planning, organising and practicing of habits that are needed in order to achieve change.

Willpower isn’t something you are born with or without, nor is it magical - it’s simply a skill. Self control, that can be learned. You’ve got to understand that your body is the way it is right now because that’s how it has adapted to the lifestyle you’re living. If you want to change your body, you’ve also got to change that lifestyle by finding more constructive ways to adapt to your circumstances. By thinking ahead, setting achievable targets and planning healthy eating and consistent exercise into your routine and lifestyle, your confidence in your ability to change will grow and grow.

"You won’t lose weight by exercising more if you’re ignoring nutrition. You won’t get fit by dieting if you’re skipping workouts. Everything works in unison."

Foster your desires. We all have moments when we desperately want to lose weight, but that desperation doesn’t lead to lasting motivation. Ask yourself what you really want for yourself. Go beyond thinner thighs or smaller love handles and instead ask yourself what would really make your life better. Having more energy? Staying active and healthy for your kids or grandkids? Write these things down to remind yourself of what you really want every day.

Ask around. Ask those that exercise regularly or eat more cleanly what the benefits are to them. You may hear something about weight loss but you’ll also hear other reasons. “It makes me feel better.” “It gives me energy.” “I feel GREAT.” “Life wouldn’t be the same without it!” Think about what you hear and imagine those reasons for yourself.

Practice. Most of us know how to make healthy choices, but we just don’t follow through when it comes to crunch time. Overcome that by practicing new healthy choices each day, no matter how small they may seem. Giving up everything at once is not only tough, it’s a little scary. Rather than change everything in one day, choose one thing to work on. Instead of coke have a glass of water or a cup of tea. Take a walk on your next break at work. Work on that one thing until you’ve perfected it, then move onto the next thing. Those are choices that lead to weight loss and good health, long term.

Plan, plan, plan. Make the foundation of your diet healthy. Stock your pantry with healthy foods. Chances are if there is junk food around you will be tempted to eat it. Get rid of the junk and make it a habit to cut up fruit and vegies so that you always have a healthy choice. Plan your meals for the week to make sure you have all the foods you need to stay on track. Take time to do so. The time you take will pay off as you find it easier and easier to stick with your program.

Schedule your workouts. Sit down with your schedule and carve out your exercise time for the entire week. Write down what you’ll do and where, when and how you’ll do it. Get everything ready for the workouts ahead of time to reduce the chance of changing your mind. No matter what’s going on try to follow through with every planned workout. Even if you only get in 10 minutes, keeping your commitment will empower you to follow through next time, the consistency will help you build strength, endurance and the momentum to keep going.

Some days will be more effortless than others, motivation will be a breeze, but others will seem hard - even reminders of your goals may not be enough to get you moving. Instead of giving up, keep digging through all the reasons to workout and eat healthy until you find the one that resonates with you. Each day something different will motivate you. While you’re searching for your mojo, go ahead and put on your workout clothes. Lace up your shoes. And get started on your warm up. By the end of it you’ll find a reason to keep going!  Ann

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