Saturday, March 31, 2012

april fools group

client session tomorrow - 7am. oh. the months blend!
i had a request for a couple of menu items with 'no sugar', so have included some sugarless delights ( :D just for you)  this months menu? :)
  • butternut pumpkin and spinach 'muffins' with feta cheese
  • omelette with chicken, onion and broccoli (yes, NON vegetarian)
  • salmon sushi, prawn sushi, vegetarian sushi
  • fruits of the forest parfait - berries with natural yoghurt, cinnamon and flaxseed
  • watermelon, grapes, kiwi fruit, banana 
eating great food can be soooooo delicious! a big thank you to storm for making the muffins!
train hard. eat well. be healthy

Friday, March 30, 2012


"Something miraculous, something powerful happens when you take care of yourself. You realise you are precious."
Evita Ramparte.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

prioritise your health ...

Experiencing my own weight loss journey I personally understand what it feels like to be  overweight (read obese!) tired, lethargic, unhealthy and overall not happy with myself.
It’s easy to look at someone else who is overweight and judge them. We wonder how they ‘let that happen’, vowing we would never allow it to happen to us. But at the end of the day we are ALL human and often neglect our own health while putting our kids, family, career or other people and ‘things’ ahead of ourselves. However, if you want to take care of others, you HAVE to take care of yourself - FIRST!  Can you really give someone something you do not have? You?
If you know you’re not happy with something in your life, then you need to decide what changes you wish to make EXACTLY - if it’s to lose weight then how much? Is it to exercise more frequently? How often? Improve the health of your lifestyle - then in what way? Once you know what your goal is then you can use your awareness of it to create an action plan. Turn the big step, into little steps. Otherwise it all becomes overwhelming and you don’t make it past the first couple of weeks. Include in those mini goals your steps towards reaching that main goal - exercise, nutrition, personal achievements along the way.
Then, you need to change your thoughts, attitude and negative habits.  Create a positive mental focus.  Why is it so important to you that you achieve the goals you are after? You’ve got to really think about that answer and how your changes are going to enhance your life. Nutrition and exercise are critical components to your success - but without the right mental focus you’re never going to succeed. You’ve got to be ready to make proactive changes because no matter what your end goal, it’s often going to be hard work.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


"Whatever you hold in your mind on a consistent basis is exactly what you will experience in your life." ~Anthony Robbins

Monday, March 26, 2012


thanks to kai for sending this through to me :) thinking others reading on here may be inspired by it too.

i agree.
cheers. to ALL of us that stick with it - day after day and never give up :)

Friday, March 23, 2012

no excuses! #07

inspirational story ... shows just how training is for EVERYONE!!

Even if exercises need to be scaled down, the possibilities are endless on what each of us can individually achieve in our training schedule!
Crossfit! My goodness! Amazing :) Chris is out there and doing it!!! Have you really got an excuse?

Thursday, March 22, 2012

a MUST watch

for anyone who cares - not just about 'weight loss' but about their health.
"Hungry for Change - your health is in your hands" A documentary film about creating lasting weight loss, abundant energy and vibrant health
Free to watch online for seven more days. An awesome look on the issues surrounding food, diet and overweight. It's 90mins and it's free ... what have you got to lose?
"It's about time that someone has taken the initiative to expose the misleadings of Big Pharma, the Disease Care System, and the government leaders. Enlightenment is required to start the much needed transformation."

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

in the news

After a weekend away with a twist? Two local personal trainers, Michelle Murphy and Ann Parrott have teamed up and are offering a dynamic training package to get you out of your everyday environment.
"The weekend incorporates fitness testing plus a variety of exciting sessions to keep you moving, and even includes a lifestyle session," said Ms Murphy. "A weekend where you focus entirely on your health and fitness. No cooking! No dishes! No mowing the lawns! The complete package includes accommodation plus all meals."
"Whether you're on top of your fitness already or looking for a boost to start that journey we welcome anyone who would like to participate in a weekend that's jam packed with fitness whilst having HEAPS of fun at the same time," added Ms Parrott.

disappearing food ...

As eaters, we often make naive and mindless choices about our own eating. We eat inattentively, for the wrong purposes, and without a sense of power or control. How often do you think you haven’t eaten much for the day - only to discover - that you consumed a WHOLE packet of chips while watching tv, or a packet of biscuits as you were driving to or from work? Easy food, bad choices, huge consumption, with no focus!
You’ve been working hard on a project on the computer, and it’s time for a treat. You’ve been holding off, waiting for the delicious taste of - here, please fill in the blank. Ice cream? A piece of dark chocolate? A donut? A fresh slice of toast laden with butter? Some fresh strawberries? Chips?
You take the first bite. Very yummy! You take the second bite. Still yummy, maybe a little less yummy than the first bite, but never mind. You glance at the computer and something catches your eye. A celebrity scandal, a political gaff, a weird and wacky video. You click on it, watch, and continue eating. Disappearing food!

Suddenly you look down. Where did that treat go? Your fingers are sticky and there’s still a trace of flavour on your tongue, so it must have disappeared down the hatch while you weren’t looking... or smelling, or tasting, or enjoying. Disappointment and dissatisfaction set in. “That one just vanished! I’d better have another one.” Next the internal critic voice pipes up “What are you thinking? One treat is enough. You know you’re trying to lose weight/eat better/stop grazing/etc.”
I’m occasionally guilty of that mindless eating, myself. Eating totally unconsciously, and ignoring hunger and satiety feelings.

Monday, March 19, 2012

no excuses! #06

Tough Mudder. What's your excuse?

aren't people just simply inspiring! :)  really, just what is our excuse!?

Sunday, March 18, 2012


"There is no secret routine, there is no magical number of reps and sets. What there is, is confidence, belief, hard work on a consistent basis, and a desire to succeed."

Saturday, March 17, 2012


“The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses. No one to lean on, rely on, or blame. The gift is yours - it is an amazing journey - and you alone are responsible for the quality of it. This is the day your life really begins.”  Bob Moawad

Friday, March 16, 2012

which choice?

is it REALLY a hard decision to make that healthy choice ?! wouldnt you feel better with the option on the left? (which is actually even LESS kilojoules than the chocolate bar)

i doubt anyone could even eat it all in one sitting! "snickers" the one that 'really satisfies' ... like any chocolate bar - gone in a couple of mouthfuls ... on its journey straight to your love handles ! :)

health. nutrition. satiation. choose. wisely.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Losing weight is easy. Being motivated enough to do so then sticking with it through completion is the hard part. 
~ Jurine Lewis

Do you have a head filled with excuses?

Excuses are something we all use throughout life for many occasions. We justify them. We live with them. And we certainly have an endless supply of them on hand. Especially when it comes to ... exercise!
By far the most common excuse I hear is “I don’t have time”.
Fact is, we all have the same amount of time allocated to us and we are all ‘busy’ - so the real issue is how we prioritise and utilise the time we each have available to us.
So before you use that excuse, look at your weekly schedule and see where you can make time for exercise.
Try creating space in your schedule by sacrificing just an hour of TV time.

Monday, March 12, 2012

fitness venue whitsundays

What makes a gym go from just ordinary, to outstanding?
Friendly, helpful positive staff - receptionists, instructors AND trainers - who all offer a wealth of knowledge and continual support. An awesome atmosphere - that breath of freshness when you walk in that comes with light and airy, open facilities. Up to date equipment - cardio, pin loaded machines and free weights! Then team it all with the largest range of classes to choose from to fit your hectic schedule and Fitness Venue is easily the best 'fitness venue' in the Whitsundays - every box ticked!
Plus the extra bonus? Two locations. YOU'RE covered at both Cannonvale AND 24 hour at Proserpine!!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

more on diet drinks

                                Think diet drinks are better?

Friday, March 9, 2012

genetically modified foods

I'm surprised he's allowed to talk about this... Dr. Oz discusses the subject of GMOs with his guests. The woman on the panel is trying to make people think that GMOs are safe, when they're not. Suppressed research has shown them to be harmful.
Everyone needs to know if they're being forced to eat GMOs without their knowledge. The solution to the GMO issue starts with mandatory labeling and informing people about what has been done to our food supply. American but VERY applicable to our foods here in Australia too!

Take a viewing ....

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


"It's not whether you can or can't, it's whether you want it or don't" Coby


I truly enjoy writing posts, adding snippets, thoughts, etc. At the end of the day though, these are just my thought’s and feelings around a topic I’m passionate about. I encourage everyone to do their own research and check out the facts for themselves, especially if they disagree.
When you disagree with something it's always useful to know why...


Do you have friends who unwittingly distract you from your goals?
Getting fit through diet and exercise creates big changes in your life - changes you welcome.
But for some family and friends who aren’t in the same mindset, they can be jealous and uncomfortable with your transformation. They can become - your greatest obstacle.
Sometimes they mean well (or at least think they do!). At times they may appear a tad malicious, but often they can be oblivious and have no idea how they are sabotaging you, or that they even are...
It can seem, every time you take a step forward to gain control over what you eat, they’re offering you cake, a chocolate or want to take you out for (a fat laden) lunch!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

how much water?

Water is an essential requirement to us - our bodies are 70% water and we need to drink plenty of it to be healthy, to lose weight and to stay hydrated ... but exactly how much? Needs vary by individual.

When you feel hungry it may often be you are simply thirsty. Your body needs plain old water - not softdrink, not coffee, not high calorie juices as many hunger pangs are thirst pangs. A glass of water can help stop those hunger cravings.
So how much water?

Monday, March 5, 2012

negative effects of obesity

Losing even 5-10% of your body weight can help negate many of these dangerous issues.
Do you consider yourself important enough to start evaluating your lifestyle and make some positive and progressive changes?
Not sure how? Let's work out a plan for you!

Sunday, March 4, 2012


"This is the beginning of a new day. You have been given this day to use as you will. You can waste it or use it for good. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever; in its place is something that you have left behind... let it be something good."  Author Unknown

march group - sunday session four

oh what a grand morning :) i only participated in a small section of the training ... and was exhausted :P~ ... jaime - summed up the ending for probably everyone!!! :D
luckily we could prise her from the bag for an absolutely delicious breakfast .... awesome effort from everyone.

all photos here

Saturday, March 3, 2012

the sunday brekky

quickly the time passes again ... and we are back to the start of a month!
client session tomorrow - 7am. this months menu? :)
  • lentil loaf with spinach leaves, natural yoghurt and lemon
  • grain toast with cottage cheese and peach (or avocado)
  • brekky trifle - layers of berries, apricot, muesli and natural yoghurt
  • grapefruit and banana
  • freshly squeezed orange juice and freshly squeezed tomato juice
bon appetite! see you there!

train hard. eat well. be healthy

Friday, March 2, 2012

get active

so. you want to lose weight?
then it's time to .....  get active. now! :)

Thursday, March 1, 2012


"You never know what results may come from your action, but if you do nothing there will be no result."

- Gandhi

march arrives


                     A new month, a new beginning !!
                                     .........  promises for the month of March!!