Thursday, March 22, 2012

a MUST watch

for anyone who cares - not just about 'weight loss' but about their health.
"Hungry for Change - your health is in your hands" A documentary film about creating lasting weight loss, abundant energy and vibrant health
Free to watch online for seven more days. An awesome look on the issues surrounding food, diet and overweight. It's 90mins and it's free ... what have you got to lose?
"It's about time that someone has taken the initiative to expose the misleadings of Big Pharma, the Disease Care System, and the government leaders. Enlightenment is required to start the much needed transformation."
From the creators of the groundbreaking documentary Food Matters, Hungry for Change exposes shocking secrets the diet, weightloss and food industry don’t want you to know about. Deceptive strategies designed to keep you craving more and more.

Could the foods we are eating actually be keeping us stuck in the diet trap?
In the free online premiere event you’ll discover:
 •How to navigate your supermarket – what to buy and what to avoid
 •The real truth behind “DIET”, “SUGAR-FREE” and “FAT-FREE” products
 •How to overcome food addictions and cravings
 •Why fad diets dont work
 •What food additives to avoid and how to read labels
 •What is fat and cellulite and how do we get rid of it for good
 •The most effective detox and cleansing strategies, and
 •How to eat for clear eyes, glowing skin and healthy hair

Find out what’s keeping you from having the body and health you deserve and how to escape the diet trap forever.

Featuring interviews with best selling health authors and leading medical experts and real life transformational stories from those who know what it’s like to be sick and overweight. (The film includes Jason Vale a.k.a. The Juice Master, author of 7lbs in 7 days, Joe Cross from Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead and Jamie Oliver)
Learn from those who have been there before and continue your health journey today.

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