Friday, February 28, 2014

12 weeks of dynamic changes

With great success in the Whitsundays, Lighten the Load now comes to Brisbane. The 12 week program consists of two group sessions each week and one personal training session. Plus ‘homework’ to do each day. Ongoing regular support each week both from myself and others in the group via our sessions and interchange of email, texts etc.

Participants MUST have a minimum of 20kilos to lose. The reason behind this is the support of others on a similar goal/journey – and specially for those who could possibly feel intimidated or uncomfortable to enter a gym environment.
If you head to the facebook page, (ltl photos) or website or blog and take a look at previous groups I know they will vouch that having others on a like minded goal has been of great value to them, and they discover the gym is not intimidating and it becomes like a second home. Plus the laughter, camaraderie and chat along the way has been invaluable to them amongst such a fantastic group/setting.

Friday, February 7, 2014

'inspiring australia' summit #01

An interesting day today spent amongst some highly motivated people - leaders, and becoming inspired. Not quite as I expected as we had to delve into our own minds and actually do some hands on work also - which can be quite confronting and scary.

Having now moved to Brisbane there is an apparent succession of events - seminars, summits, workshops - to choose from to keep that 'high'.  I think I may become a seminar junkie.

A positive though, for remember - you become - what you surround yourself with. So I now choose, to always surround myself with exciting gogetters - always learning, always improving. And then being able to make a real difference to those around me, to motivate, to inspire, to support. Yes, a day well spent.

the speakers:

Thursday, February 6, 2014

give it a go

Eat clean and exercise hard. Try it. Even if for just 7 days - if you don't like it, you can always stop. but I assure you it WILL give yourself a very different outlook on why the new you will be so much happier... in such a short time you can start feeling - healthier, cleaner inside, more energetic! I DO know how hard it is to get started.... But use every last ounce of energy to drag yourself from wherever you are to take those initial steps - it WILL, be worth it.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

lighten the load 2014

Love yourself enough to make a difference! 'Lighten the Load' is a 12 week program for those with 20 plus kilos to lose and ready to commit to creating a positive shift in their life for 2014 - modifying unhealthy habits and learning the skills required to achieve on going changes.
If you or someone you know fits the bill - get yourselves ready for the most transformational 12 weeks of your lives!
Starts soon at Kangaroo Point Health and Fitness. For further information see reception or contact Ann 0412 753 899