Sunday, July 8, 2012

a ladder, a rope and ... ? an ambulance!

WOW .... energy plus this morning :) the plus? oh, an ambulance. everything worked out good in the end though, for those concerned. I spent the rest of the morning at the hospital with wendy, the doctors a little snowed under down there today, we were surrounded by coughing coughing and MORE coughing! a jab and some muscle relaxants, some xrays taken and then we got her home to have a (hopefully) relaxed afternoon.
Pre that though - solid workout ... you all never cease to amaze me with your increasing levels of fitness and the give it everything I got attitude you bring to all your training sessions. Thank you continuing and not losing momentum ... x
I always love the opportunity to get together as a group. Great workout, yummy brekky!
Thank you to each and every one of you that was able to attend ... and cheers until the next one!
all photos

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