Wednesday, July 10, 2013

reversible illness

One in four Australians aged 18 years and over is classed as obese and unfortunately this number is on a fast increase. Obesity has long surpassed smoking as the biggest killer of Aussies. Are you a part of the statistic?

Overcoming deadly factors such as poor diet, smoking and a lack of exercise should take top priority in the fight against a growing epidemic of chronic disease. Obesity and being overweight has been associated with depression, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, anxiety, high cholesterol, asthma, injuries (back, neck, hip, knee, ankle), certain cancers, arthritis, chronic inflammation, heartburn, kidney stones, gout, and high blood pressure. Does anyone really want to live with illnesses that are preventable? Do we REALLY need to wait until we are so unwell, at the doctors, reeling back in great horror at what we have become and wondering how to fight off the illnesses we have created, before we start making a positive difference for ourselves?

• In 2008, 18.43 billion dollars was spent on just the top three prescribed medication brands available to the public - Lipitor for high cholesterol [7.7billion], Nexium for heartburn [5.89 billion], and Plavix for CVD [4.83 billion]. These medications treat (not cure) diseases that are largely preventable through diet and exercise. Doesn’t that astound you that we choose medications? Is that really an easier  option?
• High cholesterol - one in two Australian adults over 25 are living with high cholesterol - meaning many are potentially at risk of heart disease.
• Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death and kills one Australian nearly every ten minutes.
• Diabetes is Australia’s fastest growing chronic disease. For every person diagnosed, it is estimated that there is another who is not yet diagnosed; a total of over 1.7 million people.
The good news about Type 2 diabetes is that it can often be managed or avoided altogether by adopting new lifestyle habits, usually revolving around healthier eating and becoming more active.

It has been estimated that the overall cost of obesity to Australian society and governments is currently over $60 billion dollars! Obesity is associated with over four million days lost from Australian workplaces each year.
If current trends continue, close to 70% of all Australian adults will be overweight or obese by 2020!
If all those statistics DON’T scare you please read them again - be shocked, because it affects all of us.

“There are no magical foods. No secret routine, no magical number of reps and sets. What there is, is confidence, belief, hard work on a consistent basis, and a desire to succeed.”

So what are our options?
Option A: We can take the proactive road and implement positive changes in our lives and slowly and safely, lose excess weight.
Option B: We can continue to be reactive and wait for even more Australians to develop these chronic lifestyle diseases (and they will), and then treat them at great $$$ cost to ALL Australians, with surgery or medication.
Do you really want to go down the road of option B? Lets go for option A hey -  if you are carrying excess kilos, I hope you see how important that is. You can’t be afraid to reinvent yourself. There really are ...  NO excuses!

Often when we discover we have to step outside our comfort zone to get results, whether it be weight loss, or to be fitter and healthier... we have, yet another excuse to hang onto. What if we fail? What if results don’t come quick enough? We all want the results, yesterday! But. The only way you can fail is if you don’t ... you got it - start!

So if you haven’t begun that quest towards the new you, make a proactive choice for yourself that right now is when you begin. Look after - you! Your health, your life. Come up with a plan to start exercising and eating healthy. Increase your energy levels. And really LIVE. Don’t you think you’re worth it? I do.

Continue (or begin) your amazing journey. Now.  Ann

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