Friday, July 5, 2013

happy half year!

Half the year over! A huge welcome to all new clients over the past couple of months. It takes a few times when new to get into the swing of things but when you do, you always wonder why you never started earlier. J Being active beats sedentary hands down!

Amazing results continually happening for many :) The consistency and dedication so many of you give to being the best you can be is uplifting. When I see the positive changes within everyone, which aren’t always necessarily physical but from the inside also - happier, brighter, more alert, more confident, more - talkative!  – I am incredibly proud. It is all you guys that lift my spirits and keep me on track also!
A few recently have really been cracking down on the diet side of things and really embracing 'clean eating' lately plus being consistent with exercise despite the colder weather and are really feeling the difference.
We tend to focus only on what is happening to us physically because that is what we ‘see’. What others ‘see’. We can’t cut ourselves in half and see what changes we are creating for our internal organs – our hearts, our lungs, etc, bone strength, and our minds, depression levels, mindset, attitudes - which are the best changes of all. If we could, we would be blown away. Being active beats sedentary hands down. And when we listen to our bodies and give them the fuel and activity that they require to function optimally, we thrive. What more could we ask of our bodies than to be able to perform at an optimum for us.

Congratulations to those who headed down to Mackay for the half marathon. Superb efforts Nic and Mellissa with great results, in the half marathon. And to Wendy and Pat well done on the 5kms. I wasn’t able to head down there this year but you were all certainly in my thoughts awaiting the results. :) Wonderful commitment all of you!

The Police dam walk is on again this year on the 10 th August. Be fantastic to see as many of us as possible joining in – quite a few of us did it last year. Certainly a cooler time of year so lets hope there is less dehydration J If doing it, Do remember the importance of keeping water levels up! More to come on that before we head out and do it. Let me know if you would like to participate and will send further information if you haven’t already got it. Walking or running, it’s 23 kms of achievement for a good cause. J

Warriors has continued on despite the thought we might stop if for the winter – we have been a bit mixed in where we have held it week after week including introducing the old church as well a couple times but it has worked out well. Melissa is actually keeping an eye out for us on the dam so we can hold another mud session as soon as it’s ‘ready’! Really looking forward to that.

Upcoming group sessions:
    Saturday 06 July 2013 - Warriors bootcamp will be held at Cannonvale
    Sunday 07 July 2013 -  Sunday Breakfast session. 7am Prossy gym
    Saturday 13 July 2013 - Warriors bootcamp will be held at Proserpine
    Saturday 20 July 2013 - Warriors bootcamp will be held at Proserpine
    Saturday 20 July 2013 – 12 week Lighten the Load program starts

Lighten the Load 12 week program
I have attached a flyer for those of you who haven’t seen this yet for anyone who may fit the requirements of joining in this program. In saying that, there are only two spots left. The past two days I have had numerous enquiries and people signing up – it has been most exciting and I am looking so forward to starting. Current start date is 20th July.
I will give the information here if any of you know of someone who you think may like to join us. I am more than happy to arrange a time to sit and chat with them about it if you think the encouragement will help. With the obesity statistics always rising I am super proud of those that have joined already, specially those who have never been to the gym before – what an amazing journey they are in for over the next few months! If you see them around, please welcome and wish them well and keep encouraging them as it is a tough journey at times. And that first step  in the door, such a huge and wonderful move J Undoubtedly there will be tears and happiness abounding over the coming weeks as changes are made – rebelled against at times and embraced! Gosh, already feeling proud of them all :D

The info:
Participants must have a minimum of 20kilos to lose. The reason behind this is the support of others on a similar goal/journey – and specially for those who would normally feel intimidated or uncomfortable to enter a gym. We know how fabulous you feel once you do it so hopefully this also makes others realise that it’s a wonderful place to be. While the movement side of it is done in the group fitness area, the actual discussion side is done in a separate room so there is no one else around except for those within the team.
The 12 week program will consist of two team sessions each week and one personal training session (or an option of two). Plus ‘homework’. Ongoing regular support each week both from myself and the rest of the others in the group. Interchange of email txts etc.
Starting on the 20th July it will run until the 11 October with a ‘celebration’ on the 12 October.
Saturday morning 7.00 to 8.30am - this is an hour of ‘team’ consultation - new topic chat each week and discussion, planning for the week ahead including writing up food and shopping lists, and chatting about how the week has been - includes time for questions and answers. A weigh and measure (done privately) - weighing every week, measure every four weeks. The initial session will also include body fat percentage, total body water percentage, visceral fat rating, visceral fat indicator, bone mineral mass, basal metabolic rate, metabolic age and muscle mass and this will be completed again at the end.
Followed by a 30 minute training session - circuit style combining strength based and cardio based activities.
Wednesday morning 6 to 7am - A mid week catchup, 25 minutes of planning, questions, answers, thoughts, good and bad moments shared etc followed by a 35 minute training session - circuit style combining strength based and cardio based activities.
Weekly PT session - One on one personal training times are made individually at times most suitable to the person. All are  encouraged to warm up prior to the start of the session for 5-10 minutes. Session is 30 minutes long. Stretch - 5 minutes. Emphasis will be on strength training.
Everyone participating will also be supplied with some ‘homework’ to incorporate movement into every day.
Cost is $90 a week.
For those who are really ready to commit to making a difference for themselves. It really is pretty exciting 
That's it for now :)
Never forget – Mays mantra - if we eat healthy, exercise consistently, and have an unyielding focus and positive view of ourselves, the results we are after, the goals we have set for ourselves, no matter what they are, have no option but to transpire! Health, good health, alongside a strong functional body, is the ultimate goal for us all.

Until the next update, cheers :)

Ann J
0412 753 899

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