Wednesday, June 6, 2012

the power of the mind

Losing excessive weight is a life changing journey. And change, is rarely an easy road. No pill. No potion. No medicine. Not even an operation - is of any added benefit. Do you have what it takes to reach your weight loss goals?
While we will all share similar struggles and pain, both emotional and physical, a weight loss journey is very individual, what works for one person, may not for another. It’s not just about diet and exercise. A nutrient dense diet and being consistently active are crucial of course ... but to reach any long term goal - especially one that requires lifestyle changes - you need to improve your mindset too. Often, a fundamental obstacle to attaining success, is what you have above your shoulders. You can have all the external support in the world, but if your frame of mind isn’t positive, if your self-worth is low, long-term success can prove difficult.
Success comes in that commitment to yourself to WANT to create a positive health change. It does come in your psyche. If you want change, you DO have to believe in yourself. And it starts with making a huge decision - that YOU, are important. A priority.

Having the appropriate disposition is so important because thought is behaviour. The power of the mind is total - the way you think about yourself becomes your reality. Negative thoughts can lead to a lack of confidence, hopelessness, and depression. Learn to acknowledge the power of the lies you tell yourself and how they perpetuate your thoughts into thinking your life will never be any different than what it currently is. That’s not true. And this, isn’t a game. It’s YOUR LIFE! There is no ‘jolly fat person’.
If you tell yourself that you’ll always be overweight or you’ll never find happiness, chances are you’ll end up fat and unhappy. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. So you really need to turn that scenario around and tell yourself that you CAN lose weight, and you CAN get fit... that yes, you CAN, be healthy - then, fully commit to that thought process. Believe. In yourself.

Losing weight is an emotional journey. A real life rollercoaster ride. So it also requires inner strength, that desire, so you can successfully survive the challenging times. Bad health decisions can then be reversed with that concrete attitude! Know that. Believe that.

There can no longer be, any excuses.
There has to be no more ‘I can’t’. EVER! That attitude. Gone.
No, ‘just once more’ to that drive thru convenience. EVER! No, ‘this is the last time’ as you bite into that third block of chocolate for the week. EVER! Those excuses. Gone.
No more empty promises to yourself. EVER!
And there is no, "I’ll start tomorrow" EVER! Start, right now!

Acquire a resilient mindset, be prepared to raise the bar beyond how you have been living. Become disciplined in both food choices and in exercise. Infuse your mind with positive acknowledgement. Do not stop. And, do not give up. Life can be challenging, but when it throws a curve ball be prepared with a solution and work around it. When knocked down, get back up and push onwards.

The desire for a fitter, more healthy version of yourself - a you, full of life and pizzazz, has to be larger than the requirement of ‘a quick solution’, and has to be larger than the desire for fast food, the couch and sleep ins.

6am mornings are great! Being active? Great. Amazing, nutrient dense food? Great! Putting on kilos? Not great. Health risks and being sick? Not great. Lethargy? No, not fun.
It can be tough at times! But when you totally understand the rewards for yourself - vitality and energy - you see only the benefits, no struggles. The focus is on improving your WHOLE LIFE!!!
Surround yourself with like minded people who care about their fitness, their health. Toxic people are of no value. Fill your life with positive, motivated and inspiring people. Immerse yourself amongst them, as often as you are able - it makes it easier to be the best version of yourself you can be! Enormous benefits.
If you are ready to make positive changes in your life, ready to give it everything you can to reach your goals and become one hundred percent committed to a more positive, more healthy, fitter, version of you - knowing the ride ahead, may not always be pretty, may not always be smooth, and will most likely have as many ups as downs - then give me a call and let’s ride that rollercoaster - together.
I will be committed to helping those that are tenacious with their desire to wanting better health for themselves - and when you’re committed to your goal, failure, won’t be an option.
Cheers, to the beginning of the new you, Ann.

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