Wednesday, August 1, 2012

olympic fever

We are already a few days into the Olympics. Many of us will have watched at least some of the coverage. Fortunate if you have Fox or Austar. The rest of us with Channel 9 have plenty of advertising mixed in with some Olympic material now and again. Which is a shame really. At home, I am of the latter, and unfortunately, have been finding the advertising so prominent, especially the channels own cross promotions, it has turned me off watching for I am left simply frustrated at the lack of action. I am very aware by now that Big Brother is starting after the event. Along with many other shows! Perhaps many of you can relate to my disgruntlement. I absolutely love the Games and am still following progress of it all, just via other means.
Despite the constant barrage of ads though I thoroughly enjoyed the opening. It was thrilling and fun. I didn’t venture out of bed in the dark hours but watched the repeat later in the afternoon. Seven years in the making and what a grand production we were presented with - history, from the Industrial Revolution to present day via drama and comedy. Real people, real events. The celebration included everyone from the Queen to the community nurse. Very British. Very entertaining.
And super editing. We didn’t always get the full picture but closeups of faces to help share the emotion of the human experience. Kudos to those creating that montage for us.

The Queen is a champion. No matter what she is put through in her role as Monarch, she remains always poised and so very regal. Great tenacity. I admire her contribution to the opening - what a great sport! Rowan Atkinson, hilarious. The music, fabulous. Showing my age by really loving seeing Mike Oldfield and hearing Tubular Bells, takes me back a long way. Many goosebump moments throughout. Yeah, I enjoyed it.

Every four years, as they enter the arena, I am always amazed by the number of countries participating. We live in a very secular world for the most part in the safety and comfort of our own little corners and forget the expanse. Kinda wish the athletes weren’t allowed their phones. Don’t they know it’s being filmed! It spoils their appeal and grandeur a little to watch them all walking with their phones in hand, texting and tweeting.  Shouldn’t they be sucking up the atmosphere? I can’t help but imagine it takes from the experience of being there. Surely their compulsion distracted others as much as me.

But, the athletes, is what it is all about. There are specific sports I enjoy watching more than others. Each of us will have different favourites, but I watch all with an open mind and admire each one for speed, strength, endurance, balance, power, skill etc. The athletes, are amazing. Bearing witness to their joys and elation when they win is exciting, or their disappointment if they don’t can be heart wrenching. They spend their lifetimes, training for their moment in this event. Could any of us even imagine the dedication that takes - emotionally and physically.

While you are watching over the next couple of weeks, can you be inspired and allow the skills and commitment of these elite atheletes, to spill over into your life? Up the ante and move out of your comfort zone a little. You don’t need to embrace their hours upon hours of dedicated training that results in their spectacular athleticism.
When it comes to losing weight or making healthy choices, you work to YOUR personal best - even small, quick and easy changes can really improve your immediate health and wellness. Make sure that you make exercise a part of your everyday life, not just a weekly habit. You will feel great and know you can conquer whatever comes before you.

Train smart and train with purpose, Ann

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