Tuesday, November 4, 2014

summer approaches

As of today, there are only fifty-seven days remaining in 2014. Have you achieved, or have you made progress towards meeting any of the goals you set for yourself at the years beginning? If you have, a HUGE congratulations and keep it up! If not, why not? What’s left on your “to do” list?  What are your plans to reach them as we head into summer?

We are usually our own worst enemies when it comes to creating changes for ourselves. The start of each new year brings with it a renewed sense of optimism and endless new possibilities but as the year passes by, and this year’s certainly passed quickly, we can often lose focus of the objectives we set for ourselves. Self imposed mind games are a real trip when it comes to things like excuses or procrastination.

While many of us enjoy thinking about ourselves being - thinner, healthier, sexier, stronger, smarter, having a renewed sense of energy - we aren’t serious about making real changes in our lives when we realise it will take hard work to triumph. People will do almost anything to remain in their comfort zones, creating excuses as to why things haven’t gone to plan. For others though, the desire and intentions to make significant lifestyle changes are genuine and driven from deep within. So why do some of us lose track along the way?

Life does take over from time to time and there will be things that appear to ‘get in your way’, so it really does depend on how determined you are to push on regardless. What priority does your goal take in your life? Self-change is one of the most difficult things you can do no matter what you have in your sights and there will be trials and tribulations on any journey to reach the destination. When you falter, you have to get up, brush yourself off, and start again. Never give up. None of us are perfect and all of us fail at self regulation at some point. The secret to long term accomplishment is to avoid giving up altogether because of a minor setback. This is the answer to succeeding at most things. A resilience. A fortitude to keep on going even when the road ahead appears tougher than normal.

To reach any new goal, you not only need to know exactly what you want, you also have to know exactly how you are going to achieve it. That is, you need to make your goals manageable by detailing the specific steps that will carry you to your ultimate destination. If you want weight loss, you need to break it down into smaller steps of achievement that are measureable, to you! Pants looser? A size smaller? If it’s running five kilometres, break the distance down into smaller increments and introduce walking and running intervals, until before you know it, you can run the whole distance.

You were going to ‘start exercising’, ‘start eating cleanly’, ‘become healthier’ and we are through ten months of the year but you still haven’t? Take ACTION today.

Stop getting ready, start being ready.
Start moving.
Change starts when you begin and not a second sooner.
And there really is no better way to start - than to simply, start.
It might not be easy, but nothing worthwhile ever is. Stay strong and on task. To accomplish any goal you have to commit to it.

If you have time to watch TV then you have time to exercise, to cook healthy meals, to study towards that new career. It’s just a matter of priorities. Remember that skill is often submissive to repetition. Practice, consistency and perseverance can make up for a lot of inadequacies - so keep doing what works and you WILL get better at it.

I challenge you to be as healthy as possible - today. Keep working towards any aspirations you set yourself at the years beginning. You still have plenty of opportunity to create a change. Nail your nutrition. Do an amazing workout. Read that book. Avoid the negativity of others and remain positive and optimistic. How could that approach possibly hurt?

Cheers to a successful fifty-seven days ahead, let's see what we can still achieve in 2014! Ann.

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