Tuesday, December 11, 2012

did you reach your goals?

How quickly the year has flown. Santa is ho ho ho’ing wherever we go and everyone is frantically shopping as Christmas and the New Year are upon us.
It’s already that time where we theoretically start setting a few fitness or health goals for 2013. But how did you do throughout 2012? Did you achieve what you set out to do at the years beginning? Are you smarter, fitter, healthier, stronger? Yes - then congratulations! If not, what stopped you? Fear? Laziness? Lack of motivation and determination?
Health and fitness are tomorrow problems - people notoriously put them off unless sickness knocks directly on their door with a wake up and they have to face consequences of unhealthy choices.
When it comes to exercise or eating healthily I hear endless excuses why someone can’t, that seem logical to that person as they explain. “Don’t have time, too busy.” Fear of something new. “I can’t do it.” Their reality is, being healthy just isn’t a top priority to them. But what could be more of more important than your health?
If you want it bad enough, you’ll do something about it now, today. But most people would rather wait for the perfect time, put off their success, and fall into the trap of tomorrow.

Excuses need to be removed if you want to achieve results. Your attitude creates your reality, so it’s important to have the right one. Your mind is powerful. If you have negative thoughts about your self-image, if you lack confidence, you feel hopeless that you’ll never lose weight or reach your individual goals, or you constantly use excuses, you’ll always be at square one. The end of 2013 will end up being the same as 2012. You need to take action, now. Harness your mind with positive thoughts that you can and will achieve the goals you have for yourself. Then guess what? You will!
If working out is new to you, empower yourself. Start today! Go to the gym now. Get the junkfood out of your fridge, now. Don’t wait for the new year. It won’t be easy, but you’re not alone. Don’t let you get in the way of you. The only way to fight is with action, consistency, and persistence. You have to do it EVERY day. You will lose a battle or two occasionally, but you will win the war.
So much can be accomplished with a long term vision and resilience to short term setbacks. Not every problem is conquered overnight, but if you persist and never give up, you will succeed.
Stay strong and never give up on going after what is important to you. Your body, is more sensitive than a machine. Treat it with the respect it deserves. And work towards great health. For the long term. Great nutrition, consistent exercise and a positive mindset are vital to creating change in a safe and lasting way.

Let’s all encourage each other towards a fitter and healthier community for 2013. Start working out, continue working out and feel absolutely wonderful!
Be legendary! Cheers, Ann.

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