Sunday, October 16, 2011

big pharma

unfortunately, so true.
yet changing to a healthy diet can help so many 'sick' people, be well... NOTHING substitutes a delicious diet of nutritious whole foods, REAL food ...
why do people turn to drugs/medicines when nature has given us everything we need to keep us healthy, alive and full of energy?! naturally.
is it just the promise of an 'easy solution'? a quick solution? we can eat processed junk food and refined sugars because, oh. when we get sick, a pill will help us? or, the nutrition we lack, then comes in a formula?

if we are eating right, for optimum nutrition, we do NOT need, supplements to be healthy, or pills to 'make us better' because we have created illness within ourselves - in many cases, those 'magic potions' are whats making us sick!
choose to eat for optimum health and wellbeing and don't give those greedy companies your hard earned $$$

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