Wednesday, July 4, 2012

tough mudder whitsundays!

Tough Mudder is more than an event, it’s a way of thinking. By entering a Tough Mudder challenge, you’ll unlock a true sense of accomplishment, have a great time, and discover a camaraderie with your fellow participants that’s experienced all too rarely these days. Tough Mudder events are hardcore 18-20 km obstacle courses with 25-30 military-style obstacles. As the leading company in the booming obstacle course industry, Tough Mudder has already challenged 500,000 participants worldwide.
I will be entering a team from the Whitsundays for the 17/18 August 2013 - and will be starting 'tough mudder bootcamps' very shortly ... if anyone is interested please let me know :) how absolutely EXCITING an event! we may get a few bumps and bruises, but hey, we're tough!

details of the event
Interact. Head to 'annpt' on facebook and hit the like button...

doesn't this just look like amazing fun!


  1. I have wanted to enter one of these. They look like so much fun. Where will you be training? Julie

  2. hi Julie ... weekends at the Fitness Venue in Proserpine and Cannonvale - saturday mornings at 6am, sunday mornings at 7am.
