Wednesday, May 9, 2012

the first step

When wanting to lose weight, choosing the most nutritional foods to eat is imperative, but exercise is absolutely crucial to getting, and remaining, fit and healthy also. If you’re overweight, losing even 5-10% of your body weight can help negate many of the dangerous issues obesity or overweightedness can cause.
Do you consider yourself important enough to start evaluating your lifestyle and making some positive and progressive changes?
When it comes to exercise I hear a myriad of endless reasons why someone can’t, that seem logical to that person as they explain. “Don’t have time, too busy.” Fear of something new. “I can’t do it.” But they are, excuses. Excuses that NEED to be removed if you want to achieve results. Your attitude creates your reality, so it’s important to have the right one. Your mind is powerful.

If you have negative thoughts about your self-image, if you lack confidence, you feel hopeless that you’ll ever lose weight or reach your individual goals, or you constantly use those excuses plus others, you’ll always be at square one. Harness your mind with positive thoughts that you CAN and WILL do this. Then guess what? You will!
If working out is new to you, empower yourself. If you’ve set your mind to do it, get the skills and you’ll feel more comfortable. While walking, or exercising at home is a great start, heading to the gym has so many extra benefits - a motivating, encouraging environment, having someone supporting you, meeting others on a similar journey, the array of classes or equipment to choose from for variety.
Is your excuse you feel intimidated? Do it anyway! It may feel a little bit overwhelming to some, but remember, everyone has a first time stepping through those doors. We’re there to help you through that. Many feel a little bit nervous before joining in their first class, lifting weights or using the cardio machines. After only a visit or two though, that apprehensive feeling will fade, how amazing you feel will take over, and you will wonder why you had put if off for so long. You will feel. ALIVE!
As you continue training you will become aware of so many changes - in many aspects of your life. Such a major boost to your confidence level that changes your mindset in a most positive way.
The key is to find a training regime that excites you and stick to the plan - the only ideal program is the one you’ll follow.
Great nutrition, consistent exercise and a positive mindset are vital to creating change in a safe and lasting way. Your body, is more sensitive than a machine. Treat it with the RESPECT it deserves. And work towards great health. For the long term.  Never give up. And let’s all encourage each other towards a fitter and healthier community.
Start working out, continue working out and start feeling absolutely wonderful! Cheers, Ann.

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