Wednesday, August 29, 2012

lets move more

Most Australians will spend 22-23 hours each day sitting or lying down. Shocking - for our health, plus very fat producing. Driving, office work, watching TV, computer time - it all adds up, and the more we sit, the more detrimental it is for us. We really aren’t moving very much at all! Only a small minority of us actually get outside and actively take in all the Whitsundays has on offer or head to the gym to work up a sweat.
In a typical 24 hours most people sleep around six to eight hours each night, get up only to then sit to eat breakfast or read the paper, sit to drive to work, sit at their desk all day, then sit to travel home again. Most will then sit on the couch after a hard day to watch television or sit again at their computer, maybe get up to make some dinner if they haven’t driven through that convenient takeaway, back to the couch and the cycle continues. Does that surprise you when you look at the big picture? Are you sitting for more of your day than standing? Sitting for great lengths of time may appear harmless but in reality it’s a silent killer.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

stephen vinson

i don't know this guy .. i came across his blog a few months ago and every now and again head in to have a read, and he doesn't cease to inspire me. what a long journey and what a progressive outlook he has for his months and years ahead. and oooooh what a long way he has come.

his blog

Sunday, August 26, 2012

weekend warriors #06

'cardio coma!'
tree lines, taylor street, proserpine

each session is only ever as good as the energy that all participants bring along and today everyone sure brought it! :) fabulous!
yeah it was tough cardio. absolutely super stamina and amazing intensity from beginning to end by all!
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Saturday, August 25, 2012

weekend warriors #05

'holy legs!'
cannonvale beach
a few away today but wow, what a superb morning ... perfectly mild weather wise, arrived at the beach to warm up just as the sun was rising, always magical. a tabata to start, a jog to the new botanical gardens area, grabbing a rock, (ok, some think 'small boulder') on the way for the weight work. a combination of running mixed in with a handful or three of lunges and jumping squats - little rest throughout. nicely exhausting
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Friday, August 24, 2012

a winner

Don't ever let anyone tell you that you can not do something. All my life I heard that I couldn't do something. My mom was working 2 jobs and going to college. I was an African American kid in an all white school. They tried to say that I couldn't....but I did. I wanted to be a Navy SEAL. They said I couldn't because I was too big and couldn't hardly swim....but I did. They said I couldn't go to Ranger School because my schedule as a SEAL wouldn't allow it....but I did.They... said that I couldn't run 100 miles because I had never ran a marathon...but I did. They said I could never complete the Ultraman because I had never done a triathlon...but I did.
Now they say I can't do RAAM because it's too soon. It's not safe....but....

Monday, August 20, 2012


You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one. ~ Henry David Thoreau

Sunday, August 19, 2012

weekend warriors #04


'OUCH, it's gonna hurt!'
les stagg oval, proserpine

cool foggy start, hot by the end - outdoors hit prossie for some great butt work on the stairs!
so, DID it hurt? uhmmmm.  ;D

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Saturday, August 18, 2012

weekend warriors #03

'lovin' logs!'
cannonvale park

super morning with a couple of new people becoming friends with the sunrise, such a gorgeous way to start the day eh!
great spirit and tenacity by all

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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

just one?

Despite the way it feels, losing weight isn’t a mysterious process. It’s a matter of burning more calories than you eat. Right? But, if it were really that simple, none of us would have a weight problem. Would we? For some, weight loss can be such a struggle that we start to think we have to do something drastic to see results - diets, pills or those flaky fitness contraptions on infomercials that promise immediate success. Supplements, powders, vitamins - all of them are overpriced and have been proven to be mediocre sources of nourishment.
The answer to good health rests not in a magic potion solution, but in an integrated approach to good baseline nutrition.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

weekend warriors #02

'tyre'ed frenzy!'
pioneer park, proserpine

first warrior session in prossy - the coooold morning was no longer a concern once the tyre frenzy began! fabulous way to heat up.

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Saturday, August 11, 2012

weekend warriors #01

'seriously sandbags!'
cannonvale foreshore

cold, sunrise, sand and sandbags - cool mixture. didnt take long to heat up. a couple of runs, a bit of crawling and a pushup or three and everyone was there. great group, great energy shared! and what great fun at the end eh! :)

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Friday, August 10, 2012


Rest days are just as important as training days. This is the time when your body adapts to the previous day’s exercise. Make it an active rest day by walking to the shops, taking the stairs at work, parking at the far end of the parking lot, every hour take a 1-minute break and stretch. Eat well, remembering you aren’t exercising and burning all those extra calories!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

make progress

If you’re unhappy or overweight, what are you getting out of remaining where you are? Nothing? The ultimate goal for most people is happiness and health so they can live their life to its fullest. Yet we all become so content in our set ways that few of us are willing to make the changes necessary to create what we wish for ourselves. We plod along in blind acceptance with brick walls built up around us. If you really want change for yourself, you have two choices. Make progress, or make excuses.
People are scared of change. Some will walk through their whole life and never do an iota of introspection. They will never truly question why their life is not going the way they want or question what they can do to improve their situation.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

dare yourself!

Dare yourself! Leap outside your comfort zone and have a TUNNAFUN...

Outdoor Endurance Training
Starts this Saturday 6am
Meeting at Fitness Venue Cannonvale.
3 spaces left!

and this Sunday 7am
Meeting at Fitness Venue Proserpine. 4 spaces left!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

sunday training @ prossy

oh what a SUPER session this morning. a lot of fun as always amongst tough grunt training. great variety... lively indoors and out!
the final one. bittersweet. next saturday and sunday marks the beginning of the weekend warrior sessions. some from todays session doing that, some not. so. a huge thankyou to all those that have supported me over the past eight months. its been a ton of fun and loved the brekkys and chats we had afterwards. certainly a good way to catch up.
for those doing it, lets head in and give our outdoor training everything we have as well. some beginners, starting their fitness journey. others more seasoned. a good mixture making for some fantastic sessions ahead.
a few are interested in both stampede, tough bloke and tough mudder events.  looking forward to getting ourselves strong. and ready.

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logo thoughts

logo ideas .. feedback welcomed, or which you like the best... 1 thru 8? :)

Interact. Head to 'annpt' on facebook and hit the like button...

Questions/thoughts to
        • 0412 753 899

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

olympic fever

We are already a few days into the Olympics. Many of us will have watched at least some of the coverage. Fortunate if you have Fox or Austar. The rest of us with Channel 9 have plenty of advertising mixed in with some Olympic material now and again. Which is a shame really. At home, I am of the latter, and unfortunately, have been finding the advertising so prominent, especially the channels own cross promotions, it has turned me off watching for I am left simply frustrated at the lack of action. I am very aware by now that Big Brother is starting after the event. Along with many other shows! Perhaps many of you can relate to my disgruntlement. I absolutely love the Games and am still following progress of it all, just via other means.
Despite the constant barrage of ads though I thoroughly enjoyed the opening. It was thrilling and fun. I didn’t venture out of bed in the dark hours but watched the repeat later in the afternoon. Seven years in the making and what a grand production we were presented with - history, from the Industrial Revolution to present day via drama and comedy. Real people, real events. The celebration included everyone from the Queen to the community nurse. Very British. Very entertaining.
And super editing. We didn’t always get the full picture but closeups of faces to help share the emotion of the human experience. Kudos to those creating that montage for us.