Thursday, November 29, 2012

november ramblings

Hi everyone
The year, has flown! Here we are already at its end. There has been some fantastic results and achievements along the way by so many - I have to say I am a super proud and lucky trainer. Everyone has such individual goals and when you see people work towards them and achieve great personal objectives, even with the knocks and bumps we all get along the way, there is nothing more rewarding. Tenacity, has a big wow factor! A big thank you to you all for the trust you put in me for guidance and motivation. I'm in a very fortunate position within Fitness Venue getting the opportunity to meet and chat with so many individuals with such diverse backgrounds and life tales that every day I am inspired by 'someones story'.

Some dates to mark in
Can you believe we have already completed 6 weeks of the latest Weekend Warrior sessions. Only 2 to go!
1st December and 8th December. We will continue on if enough interested for the 15th and 22nd - will get feedback and see. Six keen and we will go for it! No reason we give up now!! J

The plan was to have a mud session for our final session but the lack of rain hasn't played in our favour :) It's apparently as dry and bare as a cow rib! Hmmm, not that I've ever seen a cow rib! we WILL, have one once the rains hit and we get some mud to play with again so will let you know dates when that happens - maybe mid january'ish. We ALWAYS have rain before then!! ;)

After today still three more sessions left for Thursday Indoor Warriors. 6, 13, and 20 December. Will  have a chrissy theme for our final session :) have loved working with everyone in the group and certainly loved we have had the introduction of new fitness friends mixed in with us all. May you all continue with the healthy journey into the New Year!

Final 2012 breakfast session will be Sunday 9th December. We will have a session, and a christmas'sy celebration breakfast! Dress up ho ho ho like (anyone have a santa suit?!! ;) ) and let's have some fun hey :) Open to you all!
Still only $16 for the session and breakfast - 7am at Prossy. let me know if you will be attending - I will send out a text reminder to those who are coming towards the end of next week.

For those that do PT sessions with me. I am away from the 30th December. Until then I will continue training so if you aren’t heading away and still want your PT sessions, I am going to be working through (with the exception of Christmas Day ;)  I am then away till the 6th January and start back for those who are around and new years oooops ive eaten too much plum pudding super keen  to get back into it all (our health and fitness is important 365 days a year after all!) on the 7th January! Can you let me know (though I will speak to all individually as we have our sessions over the next couple of weeks) if you are away and dates so I can plan the coming weeks and into the new year.
By February, everything will be back to normal!

Weekend warriors and Indoor Warriors will both continue from around the second week of January - in both Proserpine and Cannonvale but will detail that more as the new year comes upon us.

Have a super December - let the silly season begin!

0412 753 899

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