Thursday, November 8, 2012

wendy hinschen

The easiest part to any lifestyle change is making the decision to do so. You’re motivated, you’re excited and the concept of a new, healthier you is enough to propel you. The hard part is following through with your plans. People often try to tackle a strenuous program right away thinking it will bring results faster but if it’s been a long time since you have exercised, slow and steady is the most effective and safest way to begin.
Over the next few weeks we are going to explore how some of our Whitsunday locals began their health and fitness journey’s and become inspired by the transformations they have been establishing for themselves.
Wendy Hinschen - regular gymgoer 10 months
What motivated you to begin a regular exercise routine?
My sister was visiting in January 2012 and she encouraged me to attend a circuit class at the Fitness Venue in Proserpine with her. Initally I wanted to lose weight, get healthy and try something other than just walking. I now attend every weekday morning along with a couple of afternoon sessions plus weekend bootcamps, plus I also have a personal training session each week with Ann that keeps me on track.
Had you exercised previously?
Only walking and playing social tennis occasionally.
What encourages you to continue?
I can see the benefits, not only in weight loss but body shape changing. It’s great feeling good in myself, havings lots more energy, getting fitter and healthier. Having people tell me I look good shows that the hard work is worth it. Physically I feel great, energised, eating better, becoming stronger in body and mind, lots more confidence. Other benefits are meeting new friends and having the support of others at the gym. Getting good advice regarding healthy eating and exercise programs from trainers/instructors also guides me on this journey.
How do you stay on track?
At first motivation was via a friend who I started walking with each morning. When I joined the gym I began only on the equipment. After a month or so I tried a class each week until it became a morning routine. Changing my habits and just making myself get out of bed was difficult to start with and now I look forward to getting up and heading to the gym.
I think it’s important that YOU want to change things and make YOUR life better for yourself. Don’t do it for anyone else, it has to be your choice.
Do you think it’s a journey you will continue and maintain for the rest of your life?
Yes, most definitely. The journey has just begun and I look forward to pushing myself further just to see what I can achieve.
Would you recommend others who are currently sedentary to exercise?
Absolutely. From someone who enjoyed sitting on the couch mindlessly eating while watching TV, my whole life has been turned around - I enjoy exercising, feeling and looking fantastic, and love having so much more energy. It’s a great bonus being able to fit into clothes that look and feel good too!

Encouraging words Wendy. Remember, with a workable plan anyone can change their lifestyle from sedentary to sensational! Physical activity brings numerous bonuses - it reduces your risk of chronic disease, improves your balance and coordination, helps you lose weight - even improves your sleep habits and self-esteem. Get moving! Today! Drop your excuses, shatter your limiting beliefs and know that YOU can achieve whatever you want in life... if YOU really want it bad enough.
Cheers to a healthy, amazing life. Ann

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