Wednesday, May 8, 2013

23 hours

Last weekend I headed down to Brisbane for a weight loss conference and found myself amidst an eclectic group of informed  and savvy speakers - psychologists, nutritionists, fitness specialists, doctors - abreast with up to date information regarding obesity in Australia. Globally, there are approximately 350 million obese people and over one billion overweight people.
Those figures are predicted to increase by a staggering 50% by 2015 and according to the International Obesity Taskforce, by 2025 one in every three adults will be obese if current trends continue.
The growing prevalence of obesity in Australia is really scary with 67% of all adults considered overweight or obese, the percentage continuing to rise - rapidly. If the statistics don’t scare you, they should. It’s easy for us to sit back and think it doesn’t affect us if we aren’t overweight, but the fact is, it does. With a huge cost factor to the nation, obesity will continue to affect us all.
The saddest part is that so many people are dying from obesity related illnesses that could be prevented. That’s really hard to hear first hand! Overall about 2.5 millions deaths are attributed to overweight/obesity worldwide. People are dying - when by simply making changes to the way they eat and move, they have the opportunity to live!? WHAT does it take before someone will take action for themselves?
If you’re overweight or obese, returning to a healthy weight range isn’t a smooth and straight path, but accomplishing it is one of the most worthwhile things you can do for yourself.
The journey towards a transformed, fit body - through good nutrition, consistent exercise and a strong mindset is an amazing one. To succeed takes a holistic approach towards our health, the benefits though, well and truly beyond simply our physical shell.
• Increased energy level • Reduced blood pressure • Reduced aches and pains • Improved mobility • Improved breathing • Better sleep, wake more rested • Prevention of angina and chest pain. Decreased risk of heart disease or stroke • Prevention of Type 2 diabetes • Prevention of cancers (colon, kidney, endometrial and postmenopausal breast cancer)

While a sedentary lifestyle is partly to blame, it was pointed out that many of us are quite capable of working out (or being active) for an hour most days, but what we have trouble with is with the other 23 hours - when we are faced with endless food choices.

We need food. It’s fuel for our body - but we need to learn to make great nutritional choices. We have to learn to control the foods we eat, repeatedly trying to improve our eating habits until we are proficient in healthy eating. Like many things, it does take a discipline at the beginning. There are NO shortcuts. But the work we set down in the kitchen comes with a great reward. Charge up what we are doing, new recipes, new snacks. We won’t always get it right but we keep working on it. And as we continue to practice eating healthy, it gets easier.

A lot of people say to me they wish they had determination. Or motivation. Or ‘willpower’. Everyone does! They are simply words. Every single person has the ability to make a change, to go after their goals, to achieve whatever they want, EVERYBODY has the opportunity to be HEALTHY. Draw on what’s already inside. Don’t use those excuses as a crutch to not do something!
Value yourself. Life is too precious to waste it settling for mediocrity.
Assert your boundaries with yourself and others. When you demand the best of yourself and start moving in the direction of your goals, everything else will follow suit. Don’t strive for perfection but just step by step progression.

So - what DOES it take before someone will take action for themselves?

If right now you are overweight or obese, only you can answer that question honestly for yourself. (I really WOULD love to receive your feedback on that, feel free to email.)

But maybe, like me, it’s when you’re so sick of staying the same, you’re sick of feeling worthless, of feeling alone, of feeling like you’re missing out, of continually being in poor health, tired ... and you finally decide you’re worth more than that. That you want more from life. That’s when you’re willing to do what it takes. That’s when the light bulb switches on and you, and your health, become a top priority. That’s when you’re not going to let anything keep you from having more in life. And that - is when change happens. 

A path to health and fitness isn’t necessarily the easiest route, if it were, there wouldn’t be an obesity epidemic. It’s a huge step out of the comfort zone for many. But please don’t be one of those sitting in the high end of the statistics as they rise and rise. You really are more valuable.

Excuses or results? Always the two choices we have. Make the right one for you. Your life depends on it. Cheers, Ann.


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