Friday, May 3, 2013

have a great may

What a fast year it has been already. The beginning of May already! A wonderful healthy welcome to new clients over these past few weeks.
Superb results for so many of you for the first part of the year sitting alongside superb attitudes :) The part of what I do that is SO rewarding - continuing to be inspired by the tenacity that you all bring not only to our sessions, but to all your training. Consistency, is always the key word. And dedication to yourself and your goals.

Our health is so much more beyond what we physically look like - and when we eat cleanly, train regularly and rest sufficiently, we feel simply amazing. What could be a better reward!?

News over the past couple of months - as it has been a few since I last got a newsletter out:

We had another opportunity to hold a mud session out at Melissas place. To Melissa and her family, a big thank you for the hospitality. I think everyone will agree we had a superb morning. Some newcomers came along and had a load of fun as well. In the future, and with Melissas availability, we will hold another mud session as soon as we are able as I have many asking about it. We are greatly

Quite a few of us had a fabulous weekend away at Emerald. 24 members from Fitness Venue went, plus a few ring in extras - most of us happily chirpy on the bus ;) (or grumpy and tired on our way home :P) and a handful by car travel :) GREAT bus trip I might add! Thanks to Ian for the driving, a trip I think we all agree went surprisingly fast. AWESOME costumes by all teams! I think we did the Whitsundays very proud! And I was very honoured to have 'won' the "ladies survival gift pack for inspiring others". What better award could I ask for as a trainer - doing what I love doing!
For those who haven't seen them all photos are here.
There was a camera issue - so you will notice some pics of many of the teams finishing didn't quite work out, but i tried to salvage as many as I could.

The next obstacle course I am interested in is July in Brisbane ;) - for those that may be interested, stay tuned - "True Grit". Designed by the military. 30 obstacles and only 10-12kms - so achievable! :D I grin! and am excited.

Upcoming group sessions:
    Saturday 4 May 2013 - Warriors bootcamp will be held at Proserpine
    Sunday 5 May 2013 -  Sunday Breakfast session.
    Saturday 11 May 2013 - Warriors bootcamp will be held at Cannonvale
               (final one before the winter sets in? they will start back again end August/early September)

Last weekend I attended a conference in Brisbane for 'weight loss leaders' – there’s a wordy title! Interesting to say the least, but beyond scary statistically for our futures and the cost of obesity and it’s related illnesses to Australia. There was some amazing, quality speakers and over the next few weeks I will convert all my (comprehensive?! gosh I CAN scribble!) notetaking into useful information.
I signed up for the Diploma of Weight Loss so alongside the Diploma of Fitness which I am currently studying,  I now have ahead of me some very real head down bum up studying - resulting hopefully in becoming the best possible trainer I can be, for you all! :) It really is continual learning -
I'm looking forward to staying in the forefront of all that is happening within the industry and the course puts me in line with many learn'ed and motivational contacts. Really looking forward to beginning! Psychology, the first module ;)

Lastly, good luck to those heading over to Hamilton Island this weekend for the Hilly Half  - a tough course but those participating, most capable of tackling it full on :)
That's it for now :)

Never forget - if we eat healthy, exercise consistently, and have an unyielding focus and positive view of ourselves, the results we are after, the goals we have set for ourselves, no matter what they are, have no option but to transpire! Health, good health, alongside a strong functional body, is the ultimate goal for us all.

Until the next update, cheers :)

Ann 
0412 753 899

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