Friday, January 6, 2012

to clients

Happy new year all.

Already six days in, I hope over the past week you have taken a moment to reflect and realise what was so awesome about 2012 for you. Grab hold of the big and the small victories, give yourself a big high five for all you achieved, and get excited about what you set to achieve in 2013. There is no value celebrating the new year with an old mindset, all you are going to get is the same result. So give thought to what are you going to do differently this year to become even healthier and fitter, in body and mind - drop excuses, shatter limiting self beliefs and know that YOU have the ability to achieve whatever you want in life.

For myself, the reflection of 2012, where I started, where I ended, has been an interesting journey. The highest of highs and low lows, like most. Life, I'm sure, is designed to keep us on our toes :)  A couple of personal achievements which I am proud of. I will continue on into 2013 with new personal and fitness goals to achieve, just like everyone else. And work hard towards them.

2012, from a training point of view, was a big year - a year of growth for certain.

Now at this year’s beginning, I am but an exam away from completing level 1 of my metabolic nutrition course. A few of you will be aware that over the past 8 weeks a couple of 'brave' clients ;) became my guinea pigs and both achieved fantastic results. With confidence now that it can be successful, I hope to introduce and share more of that information with everyone this year that is interested.

And, I am about a quarter of the way (oh it seems like I've done SO much more ;) ) now through my Diploma of Fitness, which is exciting for me as it opens up my ability to work with the 'morbidly obese' - a training area well and truly beyond what our PT certification teaches us and an area I hope to specialise in down the track. Plus of course, the extended teachings of other areas of specialisation that become of benefit for everyone. 2013 - with some real head down bum up hard work action during my free time, will see the completion of that.
But, my most important reflection from the year - what gets me out of bed in the morning? The passion to work with some truly excellent people and help them see something unique and special within themselves that creates positive change. All of you, that I’ve had the pleasure of working with have been nothing short of inspiring.
To be part of someone’s life and help them work towards their metamorphosis is an amazing privilege and without YOU all, it would not be possible. I learn so much through all of you, both inside and outside of training times - the grunts and the groans, complaints and dark moments, the laughs and the smiles, the self proud aha moments, the achievements, the I can's, the conversations we have, the sharing of your lives, the ups and downs and rollercoaster rides that life places upon us all. Everyday is a big adventure into the road less travelled of life.

I’m forever grateful for your support, encouragement, trust, belief and patience with me this year :) A big thank you for a great year, you all rock and I appreciate the consistency and efforts put in towards your goals - oh I so love, the work I do. As a trainer, I’ve only just warmed up! :D

Remember, most people want instant change, whether weight related or any other sort of goal - but unfortunately nothing - nothing works like that. All goals take dedication, hard work, persistence, mixed with consistency... and a lot of fortitude too, for no matter what we are reaching toward, there will be manyatime it 'appear's as though nothing is 'changing', but things ALWAYS are. Everything you do, counts. During 2013 I will always give absolutely everything I have and ride the ups and downs that journey entails with anyone that comes to me with that strong ethic. Wishy washy never gets any of us anywhere and my focus will go to those that are ready to embrace the hard work it takes to get results. Remember, others may quit, but you don't.

Now onto the year ahead.

After a relaxing 8 days away, I trained a handful of clients last week as I was around and working reception but this week, everything, starts back - full steam ahead for us all! :) even with a few still away and enjoying their holidays. Can we be a LITTLE envious of them??! ;)

Personal training sessions, and I have contacted most of you, are back and in full swing come Tuesday. Please let me know if you're home from holidays and we haven't set a time yet.

Weekend Warriors starts this Saturday 12th January - 6am. Prossy based but there will be at least a couple of sessions from Cannonvale to get some beach and hill training in. We will have a focus on getting 'mud run ready' for the Emerald race in February but the training is bootcamp - so even if you're not doing the race please know you can still join in each week for a 'perish or persist' training session. Hopefully, depending on what the rain does (and Melissas dam availability) we may even do another mud session beforehand out at brandy creek for everyone to participate in if enough are interested - cos it was SO much fun! Everyone is welcome of course to join in this outdoor fitness session, it is NOT just for those entered into the race. :)

Indoor Warriors – Small group fitness - I have had a request again for Tuesdays, so I will put it out there and if we get enough people it will go ahead. Thursday Warriors is a definite go'er. Both will be 12noon.
So they both start back, Proserpine Fitness Venue - Tuesday 15th January 12 noon and Thursday 17th January 12 noon.

And - Sunday breakfasts, will go ahead. They will be held the first Sunday of the month - except this month which is on the second Sunday ;)
First Sunday breakfast session for this year is next Sunday, 13th January, 7am at Fitness Venue in Prossy.

For each of the above, please let me know if attending and which one/s  (text or reply email if you don't get an opportunity to see me) A few already have. Where necessary I will be in contact with further information on each of them to those participating.

Michelle and I will hold a couple of 'Whitsunday Fitness Escape' weekends throughout the year - Hamilton Island being a request again so when we get together we will talk about dates and will then share the information. The biggest request has been to hold another 'fitness day' where we had a training session, lunch, a key speaker, and then another training session. The last one we had was hugely successful, those who attended would agree, so we will also discuss some dates and hold a couple of those throughout the year also - with different 'speakers' bringing us some great information.

Cheers to a healthy, successful year ahead. Don't just wish for a wonderful 2013 - make it so! Train consistently, eat nutritionally, dream big, believe and KNOW, you can be and do anything you want to.

0412 753 899

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