Monday, January 16, 2012

2012 ... is it!

Every day we come up with an excuse of why, instead of right now, we will start exercising and eating healthy - tomorrow... on Monday... next week. Why? Because when we discover we have to step outside our comfort zone to get the results we are wanting, whether it be weight loss, or to be fitter and healthier... we have, yet another excuse to hang onto. What if we fail? What if results dont come quick enough? We all want the results ... yesterday! But.
The only time you can REALLY start? RIGHT NOW! This very moment. It's all you actually have. And the only way you can fail? Is if you don't .....? You got it - START!
So make a proactive choice for yourself, that 2012 is the year where you begin looking after the only thing you have - YOU! Your health, your life. Increase your energy levels. And really LIVE - the only life you have. Don't you think you're worth it? I do.

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