Sunday, January 1, 2012

cheers to a successful year

2012 upon us already! I hope that christmas and the new year brought a lot of fun alongside some relaxation.
2011 was a huge year. We all worked towards different goals and achieved many individual and amazing results, so I hope everyone I have had the opportunity to train with continues to do that throughout 2012.
For me, 2011 was a year of amazing change within myself.  I was in the most fortunate position of having such a wonderful and aspiring group of individuals to train each week and through each of my clients, I was able to also grow personally in so many positive ways. I honestly am, the luckiest!!!! I'm so proud of every single person I trained throughout 2011 and the collective successes each achieved through the good ( and the ... occasionally, rough :D ) ... times.
It's amazing how we all, as such a diverse group, continue to learn so much from each other. I'm now looking forward to the support, growth and delight, throughout 2012, that we all bring once again, to one another.
It's going to be a pleasure to continue those journeys this year, plus also introduce newcomers, who are choosing to begin their own personal transformation and goalsetting this year in a positive way, to the amazing world a healthy lifestyle gives.
To me, there is nothing more satisfying than knowing when someone has given their training session, everything they have within them - physically and mentally - and they go away feeling absolutely amazing. For that then continues .. throughout their day .. throughout their week. Through both nutrition and exercise regularity....
Cheers for a very successful, and a fit and healthy 2012. For everyone. It's gonna be a helluva year - grab it, make it ridiculously amazing and attain every success for yourself that you can!!! YOU - ARE, worth it. :D

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