Tuesday, August 9, 2011

mindful eating

M ~ make yourself a priority
I ~ inquire ~ why am I eating? - hunger, avoidance, temptation, routine, habit, boredom, beliefs
N ~ noise ~ avoid distractions, be present when eating
D ~ decide now to allow & accept ~ practice non-judgment
F ~ feel ~ allow, accept and welcome all feelings.
U ~ understand ~ practice understanding and compassion
L ~ love your body….. all of it!
E ~ enjoy the process and experience of food and eating
A ~ avoid being overly hungry – stay between 4-7 on the hunger scale
T ~ taste ~ temperature, aroma, speed, texture and experience
I ~ listen to your body ~ hunger and satiety cues
N ~ nurture yourself on all levels ~ mind, body, being
G ~ give thanks ~ practice gratitude for all that you are

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