Sunday, August 14, 2011

what being overweight does to you

our weight? it's so much more important what we are doing INSIDE to our bodies than the physical appearance which is often the main reason most want/decide to 'lose weight' ... unfortunately 'i want to lose weight so my heart functions at its best' is not a common incentive for 'losing weight' ... but, perhaps it should be...

read this article ...  incentive?
it should scare the living daylights out of us! all.
the unnecessary strain we place upon our internal organs when overweight is enormous, and DOES affect everything we do and how our bodies function ... short term, and definitely, long term!
read it, take it in - no new information in the article really, just an eye opening visual and description that should prompt everyone into an active and healthy lifestyle .... no matter what weight we are.
and remember as we are losing weight, it may not show on the scales some weeks, but it IS taking effect and making a difference within our bodies, in other positive ways - we just dont visually 'see' it ...


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