Saturday, June 18, 2011

big - the tv show

in talking with some women at the gym, i was informed of a new 'weight loss' show they had seen ads for - which intrigued me i must say ... by chance, it was on that very same evening, and now, after seeing three episodes over the past couple of weeks, i have fallen in love with it and its ability to educate.

it is REALISTIC in weight loss goals ... not a lets create drama tv ratings biggest loser type show which i refuse to watch given its cross promotion, unrealistic representation of what is safe weight loss, the game play and in-fighting, its dalliance around the plastic white teeth perfect bodied trainers rather than  the actual overweight people, and of course, the constant promotion of its own products (shouldn't they be teaching REAL nutritional advice not - lets lose weight with a biggest loser shake or bar advice?!)  ... 'biggest loser' has so much opportunity to educate so many people, yet. it simply doesn't...

BIG? this show, DOES. i am pleased to have heard  about it and pleased, to have had the opportunity to watch it. i hope many others do too. and then. regardless that these people on the show are morbidly obese, the same rules apply ... i hope people understand, this is more *realistic* in terms of results - kg per week PLUS the time frame ... than what the biggest loser is ... and in turn, can feel more motivated, and more inspired, to know they too, can lose weight safely and create for themselves, a healthy durable lifestyle!

its a long term approach to weight loss - exactly as it SHOULD be - weight, does NOT go on quickly, nor, for permanent and safe results, should it come off QUICKLY ... and their training, begins easily and gently so they aren't at any risk at all as far as what they do in terms of exercise, then built upon gradually and SLOWLY as their physical abilities improve ... (sorry, if youre after the drama of a large person being humiliated then collapsing on the ground when they are being made to run 4kms, then being embarassingly heaved up back onto their feet and pushed to continue, a feat that their legs, knees, joints, bodies, can NOT take, then i guess you may not like this show) - instead you have to be patient, hear their story first, then wait to soar in spirit with them when they run - 100metres! or 200 metres. without stopping and are simply elated with themselves, and proud as punch (what kind of saying is THAT!! :D )
"Share intimate stories as clinically obese and overweight people seek to reinvent themselves and regain their former selves. With help from doctors, dieticians and fitness experts, this is not a reality competition, but a journey over months to take charge and slim down.

Big isn't a "reality competition" aimed to get weight off quickly; the aim instead is to help the participants change their entire lives, habits and outlook so they can transform themselves permanently. Each participant is going through their own personal hell during this transformation but even in these early days they're already showing amazing results."

WHAT!?!?! haha - yep, as boring as that eh. NO competition. NO water loading. NO game playing. NO bitching or fighting. NO "im in it for the money". NO having to hear ... "we didn't know what to expect next!" (ooooooh, surprising, haha). NO person is sent home STILL with so much to learn and apply. they don't even leave their homes. they stay. in their own, realistic everyday world! their own everyday battles facing them and learn to deal with what life throws ... with. an empathetic trainer, who doesn't just think he is it and a bit plus a candy stick and that the show is about him.
the focus, the emphasis, is on the person, losing weight, and the effort they put in, not the, look at me aren't i simply wonderful check out my muscles check my white smile love my fake tan gee the botox is great, trainer man/woman!
oh. its glorious!
and mostly, - NO tears because they have 'failed' cos they only lost 4 kgs for the week instead of 10! (i mean, REALLY!?!?!) in fact, their first 'weigh in' after the initial one, isnt until day 40!!!
damn. it's just about, a morbidly obese person (one person each week), with a motivating, empathetic trainer, working together and delivering fine, consistent weight loss, teaching/learning the skills to continue doing so even once the 'tape' stops rolling, even after the 10 months is up ...
in the last episode i watched, the lady lost 41 kilos in 10 months. that's just on, 1 kilo a week. not fast enough for those with a biggest loser mentality, but, AWESOME rate, for a morbidly obese person especially. she was 169 kilos, got to, 128kilos ... still a long way to go, maybe even another couple of years before getting close to goal, but THAT - is fantastic SUCCESS!!!!
the lessons learned can be taken on, by anyone, even those with no weight to lose. about humans. and mankind. and empathy. and. about what success. is.

Described by channel 9/GEMas :
Six morbidly obese people are given a second chance at life. For 10 months, weight-loss expert and trainer Lee Campbell will be there 24/7, giving them no escape and no option to back out. This epic transformation will not only totally reshape these people's physical appearances but will also completely alter their inner perceptions, their relationships and, most importantly, their outlook on life.

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