Saturday, September 3, 2011

kids can be a great motivator

Have you ever stopped to think about why you really feel the need to lose weight, get fit, or go after any other goal? Real reasons, beyond a future milestone birthday, wedding or similar function... desire, needs to reach beyond the short term, upcoming event ...

To succeed at your goals, whatever your personal ones are ... your motivation has to grab your attention like new love!! Your motivation - is the BEST reason you can think of for getting up every day, getting active and getting healthy - and, sticking with it.

Your main motivation can be your very own children! Our kids, are number one - and what is the main thing they need from us? Not new toys, or clothes, or the latest gaming console. They need - US! And, they need us to be the best we possibly can be for them!

Kids follow by example. They need parents who are fit, healthy and happy enough to do what needs to be done and, most importantly, to be having fun while doing it. They need a parent who'll be playing on the floor more than laying on the couch. Your kids need a quick, clear thinker... Your kids need someone who will play outside with them, who will take them to the park, who will swing on the swing, who will take them for rides on their bikes ... Your kids, need someone, who has a love for life! And an energy to match!

When you're fit and healthy, you can give your family everything they need. SO remember they can be a huge motivation towards meeting your fitness goals.

On the days when you feel you can't quite get it together, remember, the important people in your life, who reap the benefits - of a HEALTHY YOU. Take positive action. Your future, depends on what you do today. Make great choices!!!! For you. And also for them.

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