Wednesday, April 10, 2013

no excuses

Do you have a mindset filled with excuses when it comes to exercising? Excuses are something we all use throughout life for many occasions. We justify them. We live with them. And we certainly have an endless supply of them on hand!
By far the most common excuse I hear is “I don’t have time”. Fact is, we all have the same amount of time allocated to us and we are all ‘busy’ - so the real issue is how we prioritise and utilise the time we each have available. So before you use that excuse, look at your weekly schedule and see where you can make exercise sessions a priority, not an afterthought. Mark them as an appointment in your diary, exactly as you would any other commitment. You’re worth it. Aren’t you?

Use lunch breaks for regular walks or a gym session. Delegate household chores to other family members so you can fit in an evening exercise session. That’s of benefit to everyone! You could even try creating space in your schedule by sacrificing just an hour of TV time.
Even if you only have 15 or 20 minutes to exercise you can make it really count. Intensify it - intervals, a tabata! Go for a really brisk walk or jog, include hills on your route or find stairs to add in. If you must spend some time in front of the TV, utilise the ad breaks for small activities such as sit ups or skipping. Keep adding in small lifestyle changes so your life becomes more active overall.
Combine exercise with spending time with family or friends. Instead of catching up with a friend over coffee head out for a walk together. Plan trail walks, swimming, or try a new adventure together.
“I’m too tired to exercise”? Oh what an easy excuse. You would think that exercising after a long day when your energy levels are all but depleted would make you even more tired and mentally exhausted. However, just the opposite is true. When you exercise, your mind feels clearer and you can actually accomplish more. (And early morning workouts are a blast!)
Being active may be what you desire the least, but it could be exactly what you need to help you feel alert and less tired. Exercising regularly actually GIVES us energy!
And it’s always easy to use the excuses “it’s too hot” or “it’s too wet”.  If it’s hot, utilise early mornings or late afternoons. Or exercise indoors. Wet? Same answer. Head indoors for your workout. Or. Simply, enjoy the rain :) It’s amazing fun to head out into the elements for a walk/run, even when it’s raining. Just heed a little caution where necessary.
Then there are those who simply don’t like, moving and think - “exercise is boring”. Doing the same thing all the time CAN get boring - for anyone - the solution is to mix up your exercise activities and create more interest within your training schedule.
Don’t get stuck doing the same thing all the time. Change your walking route. Exercise with a friend or when you walk or run on your own listen to your iPod. Try a new form of exercise - join the gym - alongside weights or squash the Fitness Venue in Proserpine or Cannonvale has over sixty different classes to choose from each week - thats such a huge variety, with times to suit your schedule. You can’t possibly get bored. With practice and consistency exercise then becomes an enjoyable, plus social habit.
Work with a trainer who can turn a lacklustre workout into an effective and challenging routine! No chance of boredom!
Learn to talk yourself INTO exercise – not out of it. The trick is to predict the excuses you’ll make to yourself and have a counter argument ready.
For many, exercise and their health, just doesn’t cut it as being a top priority. You really need to cement an exercise habit that you can maintain - the value of that and your life is to important not to. Being active can help you lose the kilos and get your body into better shape but it brings so many other important benefits. When you exercise, it can also be a ‘time out’ where you get away from the pressures going on in your life. Taking time for yourself gives you a clearer perspective and helps you deal with the challenges life throws your way.
You need to look at exercise as an indulgence you deserve, to create ... an amazing - YOU!
Remember, excuses, are exactly that. Face them head on so you can overcome and choose to live a healthier lifestyle.
Cheers to a wonderful, active week ahead. Get up. Get out. Get movin’! Ann

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