Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2014 - it's time to make you amazing!

Yet another amazing year has come and gone, which brings to reflection how grateful I am for what you all bring to my life. All of you are hard charging and action taking and not a day goes by that I'm not blown away by what everyone is accomplishing and the changes that are undertaken and achieved. All with a dogged expectation and attitude of 'I can' and 'I will' - even when things get tough.

When I look through the albums on facebook I am so impressed - the Warriors albums (2013, 2012 ) the mud sessions (kelsey oct, kelsey feb, emerald ) the breakfast sessions (2014 december, november, october - and check in the albums section for many more) even individual pics (clients, beautiful days,) - all show a lot of laughs and smiles we have had together. Memory driven.

The Lighten the Load album shows an incredible and amazing group of women (and 1 man ;) ) who overcame fears and entered the gym, ready to change their lives and currently still doing so. Impressive.

Without you all there would be no me as we know it. So thank you for that... and, for putting your trust in me.

Friday, November 29, 2013

creating action for 2014

How quickly the year has flown. Santa is already ho ho ho’ing wherever we go and everyone is frantically shopping, with Christmas and the New Year upon us.

It’s already that time where we subconsciously start setting a few fitness or health goals for 2014. But how did you do throughout 2013? Did you achieve what you set out to do at the years beginning? Are you smarter, fitter, healthier, stronger? Yes - then congratulations! If not, what stopped you? Facing your fears? Laziness? Lack of motivation and determination?

Health and fitness are tomorrow problems - people notoriously put them off unless sickness knocks directly on their door with a wake up and they have to face the consequences of their unhealthy choices.

november 2013

Afternoon everyone!

Well hasn't 2013 flown by!! It's been a huge year with great health, and personal successes for many!  I hope all changes are embraced rock solid coming into 2014.

It's awesome to have a few new clients beginning their journey towards a healthier life this past month! Welcome to you all :) There really isn't anything more exciting for all us 'regular' gym go'ers than witnessing people embrace positive change into their lives and beginning to work towards their health and fitness goals. And experience, how wonderful you feel after a workout! The smiles.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

commitment, perseverance, determination

I started writing the Lighten the Load column in the Whitsunday Coast Guardian nearly two years ago, aiming it at those who were sedentary, hopefully encouraging them to become active and those who were overweight, hopefully encouraging them to become healthy.
Summer is once again knocking on the door. The layers of clothing that have been protecting us throughout the winter are starting to be peeled off. Do we like what we see? Are we enjoying how we feel?

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

slave to the scale

Up until a couple of years ago I was held captive to an unhealthy and unrealistic obsession, my life totally consumed with my captor... my bathroom scales.

I stood on them the moment I got up. Of course! Isn’t that everyones first priority on awakening? Then I would weigh myself after I had emptied my bladder. After I showered. After I ate my breakfast. After I brushed my teeth. After I had a glass of water. Before I exercised. After I exercised. Lunch. Dinner. More water! Haircut! Cutting my fingernails! I kid you not. A never ending ritual. Unnecessarily dramatic weigh-ins. For I would then allow the figure they reported to me hundreds of times a day to control exactly how I would then feel about myself in that moment. I would be excited beyond belief if the figure glaring at me had dropped. I would float - light and happy. Or I would be crushed - disappointed and frustrated, if I so much as gained a gram. Eat if the number was down. Starve myself if up. Reward. Punish. Love. Hate. Certainly not a healthy relationship. Nor, a smart lifestyle, is it? Can you imagine how exhausting that rollercoaster ride is? I had such an emotional attachment to the number on the scale. However I was in denial of that obsession. To be very honest I actually thought everyone had that same ‘passion and focus’ that I had, to be a particular, and concrete, ‘number on a machine’.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

changing your lifestyle

How valuable is change to you? How confident are you that you can achieve the changes you are after? The personal benefits of losing weight or greater healthier are high but unfortunately to some, the ‘costs’ of achieving change can also be high.

So on one hand it may be really important to have a lower weight but on the other you also want to eat your favourite food or chocolate bar whenever you feel like it. It’s a conflict between competing desires and the accompanying frustration will often lead you to seek out solutions that falsely promise both - lose weight and eat what you want. Snake oils. I was prey to those deceptive messages myself for many years. Unfortunately. It isn’t that easy. There is no miracle cure, quick fix or gimmick. Don’t be fooled by the hype!

Train hard. Eat clean. Stay consistent and focused. Repeat. That’s how you create shipshape health.
So in considering that, what holds you back? It depends how much you really want the weight loss - how motivated you are. No matter how positive you are, how many goals you set or how much you visualise your success - if your reason for wanting to change does not inspire or motivate you strongly enough, it will more than likely be a short lived pursuit. This is the reason many people do not achieve their long term goals or successfully make long term changes to their lifestyles. So what are some perceived advantages and disadvantages for weight loss?

Thursday, October 3, 2013

october update

The year has been passing us by while we blink I think! About to head into the final school term and before we know it the new year will be upon us. The goals we set at the beginning of the year will either be evolving or, they aren't! Are you on track? How can we continue to help you reach them?

I have done re-measurements and fitness tests these past couple of weeks on most of you, gym and home clients. Great results everyone, congratulations and a huge thanks for the effort you put in week after week. I continue to be inspired by you all, the tenacity that you bring not only to our sessions, but to all your training - in the gym, other classes, or outside running/walking too. Hopefully I am doing something right that helps to motivate and keep you working towards your goals. :D Incredibly proud of you all and your sticktuitiveness. THAT, is what gets results with our health and fitness. Consistency.
Remember, it's often difficult to look at the big picture when we are at the beginning of any goal we set, but it only takes one day at a time to make a difference in the weeks and months ahead of us. Train hard. Eat clean. Stay focused. Repeat. That simple to create good health.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

hitting a plateau

At some stage on a weight loss journey many of us are likely to experience what is known as a ‘plateau’. Essentially, this is a term used when a weight-loss program suddenly stops functioning, even though the person using the program hasn’t really changed anything.
It is hit when the body develops a tolerance for the program and so allows the body to process the nutrients from the food intake, but with a metabolism that has adjusted to retain the excess rather than burn it outright.
Whilst plateaus do occur without anything else changing, there can be other factors that cause the plateau or that may contribute to it.
• Not sticking 100% to the weight loss program
• Slow metabolism due to reduced muscle mass, inactivity or age
• Skipping meals and snacking

Friday, September 27, 2013

craig harper

Among other things, commercial metabolism boosters (fat-burners) can increase blood pressure, resting heart rate, sweating, anxiety levels, stress hormone production, core body temperature and risk of heart attack, stroke and death. They’re also expensive.

Other than that, they’re brilliant.

~Craig Harper~

always telling it like it is! website

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

mindful eating

A few conversations over this past week have once again revolved around how inattentive we can often be with the food we consume.
We are all guilty at times for making naive and mindless choices. We can eat gratuitously, for the wrong purposes, and without a sense of power or control. How often do you think you haven’t eaten much for the day - only to discover - that you consumed a WHOLE packet of chips while watching TV, or a packet of biscuits as you were driving to or from work? Thoughtless. Unware.

You’ve been working hard on a project on the computer, and it’s time for a treat. You’ve been holding off, waiting for the delicious taste of - here, please fill in the blank. Ice cream? Chocolate? A donut? A fresh slice of toast laden with butter? Chips?
You take the first bite. Very yummy!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

depression and exercise

Depression is an insidious illness, a quiet erosion of the soul that affects one in four women and one in eight men. The chances are high that you know someone that has depression or you may even suffer with it yourself, yet the illness still has a serious  stigma attached to it which magnifies the impact even more.

In the past we lived within communities that used to look out for each other, neighbours communicated, giving each other a voice. Life, was temperate. Those days are long gone. It’s a fast paced, self driven society we’ve created now - tasks are ongoing, people are continually busy, rushing from one appointment to another and everywhere we turn we are hit with an onslaught of technology battling for our attention. The result is - a LOT of anxious people out there, helpless and unable to cope as they are expected to, and feeling alone, like they are the ‘only ones’ unable to grapple this overwhelming lifestyle. They smile, hiding their depression behind a mask - because they feel they don’t live up to what society expects them to be and fear being judged. Feelings, aren’t always rational in the mind of a depressive.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

obesity in children

Childhood obesity is an increasing problem within Australia, growing at an alarming rate.
There is not one single cause for a child to be overweight, rather it is a complex interaction of many variables. Contributing factors include genetics, behaviour (nutrition, physical activity, sedentary activities) and environment. Many kids are spending less time exercising and more time in front of the TV, computer, or video-game console. And today’s busy families have fewer free moments to prepare nutritious, home-cooked meals. From fast food to electronics, quick and easy is the reality for many families.

However, overweight kids are at increased risk for several health complications. Despite being young they are still likely to exhibit risk factors for adult medical conditions: cardiovascular disease including high blood pressure, high cholesterol and type 2 diabetes. In the very near future, 1 in 3 people will be diabetic - and that, is scary.
Additional health complications include sleep apnea, asthma, and liver damage.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Most people don’t like change. Their own, or others. It makes them feel uncomfortable and many go to great lengths to avoid change in their lives - good or bad.
Getting fit through diet and exercise creates big changes - adjustments you welcome. But for some, family and friends who aren’t in the same mindset can become jealous and uncomfortable with the transformation - they can become your greatest obstacle. Saboteurs.
Family, friends and colleagues have gotten used to you acting a certain way. They think they know you. So when you start to change... it makes them feel uncomfortable.
This happens because they fear change; it’s not that they don’t  necessarily want you to achieve your goals, but they may be unsure of how your changes will affect them:

the end of overeating

'David A. Kessler, who led the battle against the tobacco industry, now joins the fight against obesity. His message is important: the problem is not only the behaviour of profit-driven food companies, but also the daily choices that each one of us makes' Eric Schlosser, author of Fast Food Nation

Many of us find ourselves powerless in front of a bag of crisps, a packet of biscuits, the last slice of pizza. But why is that so many of us simply can't say no?
In The End of Overeating, David Kessler, the dynamic former head of the US Food and Drug Administration, exposes how modern food manufacturers have hijacked the brains of millions by turning our meals into perfectly engineered portions of fat, salt and sugar. The result is a ticking time-­bomb of obesity, heart conditions and a mass of health problems around the globe.

Monday, August 19, 2013

chicken avocado salad

oh my goodness deliciousness!
2 or 3 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
1 avocado
1/4 chopped onion
juice of 1/2 a lime
2 tbsp cilantro

Cook chicken breast until done, let cool, and then shred. Mix with all other ingredients.
That simple and easy!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

making change

Upon making a definitive decision to lose weight and become healthier there are usually many changes we all need to consider.
For most of us it becomes a roller coaster journey and the challenges faced can either leave us exhilarated when we feel we are succeeding or simply floored when we feel we have veered off the path.
What are you going to do when it’s tougher - quit because it’s hard? Quit because success hasn’t occured overnight? Quit because someone said you can’t do it? No, you’re better than that. You’re going to keep on pushing, learning, and growing.
For those on the cusp of that decision - whether you’re thinking of cleaning out the kitchen cupboards to begin eating more healthy or to finally start exercising, STOP procrastinating and do it - now!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

be an active participant

If you’re unhappy or overweight, what are you getting out of remaining where you are? Nothing? The ultimate goal for most people is happiness and great health so they can live their life to its fullest. Yet we all become so content in our set ways that few of us are willing to make the changes necessary to create what we wish for ourselves. We plod along in blind acceptance with brick walls built up around us. If you really want change for yourself, you have two choices. Make progress, or make excuses.

People are scared of change. Some will walk through their whole life and never do an iota of introspection. They will never truly question why their life is not going the way they want or question what they can do to improve their situation. If you want to be fitter, if you want a healthier body, there is no solution other than making smarter food choices and becoming active. Change, DOES require change. It does require, stepping out of your comfort zone.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

satisfaction is

I am continually amazed that every day I am in a most fortunate position to assist people in creating positive, life changing habits for themselves. In turn however, the people I get to train also affect me in a most positive way. I am regularly uplifted, inspired and motivated by the journey’s of many individuals and the life altering changes people choose to do, to create a transformation for themselves.

Every aspect of being a trainer is incredibly rewarding. To see someone’s life improve as they make and embrace positive change is very satisfying. And not just because they drop a few kgs or look better in their clothes.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

beetroot and quinoa salad

beetroot and quinoa salad with feta and olives - except made mine minus the olives. why?
1 - cos I don't like olives, and 2 - cos I don't like olives ;)

2 cups of water, 1 cup of quinoa
1 small beet, peeled and finely chopped
juice and zest of 1 lemon
1 bunch of chives, finely chopped
1 bunch of parsley, finely chopped
1/2 cup or more of pitted and sliced black olives
1/4 - 1/2 cup of crumbled feta

Soak the quinoa overnight (or a couple of hours) in the water. In a medium-large pot, bring the quinoa, soaking liquid, beet, zest and juice to a boil. Immediately reduce the heat to low and cover and cook undisturbed until the liquid is absorbed - roughly 20 minutes. Remove from the heat and let stand for 5 minutes.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

reversible illness

One in four Australians aged 18 years and over is classed as obese and unfortunately this number is on a fast increase. Obesity has long surpassed smoking as the biggest killer of Aussies. Are you a part of the statistic?

Overcoming deadly factors such as poor diet, smoking and a lack of exercise should take top priority in the fight against a growing epidemic of chronic disease. Obesity and being overweight has been associated with depression, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, anxiety, high cholesterol, asthma, injuries (back, neck, hip, knee, ankle), certain cancers, arthritis, chronic inflammation, heartburn, kidney stones, gout, and high blood pressure. Does anyone really want to live with illnesses that are preventable? Do we REALLY need to wait until we are so unwell, at the doctors, reeling back in great horror at what we have become and wondering how to fight off the illnesses we have created, before we start making a positive difference for ourselves?

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

lighten the load program

Introductory session this Saturday 7am (13 July) at Fitness Venue Proserpine :) Then it all begins ... from Saturday 20 July
The 12 week program will consist of two team sessions each week and one personal training session. Plus ‘homework’. Ongoing regular support each week. Starting July 20 it will run until the October 11 with a ‘celebration’ on the October 12.
Saturday morning 7.00 to 8.30am - this is an hour of team consultation followed by a training session.
Wednesday morning 6 to 7am - A mid week catchup plus a training session.
Weekly PT session - One on one personal training times are made individually.

Friday, July 5, 2013

happy half year!

Half the year over! A huge welcome to all new clients over the past couple of months. It takes a few times when new to get into the swing of things but when you do, you always wonder why you never started earlier. J Being active beats sedentary hands down!

Amazing results continually happening for many :) The consistency and dedication so many of you give to being the best you can be is uplifting. When I see the positive changes within everyone, which aren’t always necessarily physical but from the inside also - happier, brighter, more alert, more confident, more - talkative!  – I am incredibly proud. It is all you guys that lift my spirits and keep me on track also!
A few recently have really been cracking down on the diet side of things and really embracing 'clean eating' lately plus being consistent with exercise despite the colder weather and are really feeling the difference.
We tend to focus only on what is happening to us physically because that is what we ‘see’. What others ‘see’. We can’t cut ourselves in half and see what changes we are creating for our internal organs – our hearts, our lungs, etc, bone strength, and our minds, depression levels, mindset, attitudes - which are the best changes of all. If we could, we would be blown away. Being active beats sedentary hands down. And when we listen to our bodies and give them the fuel and activity that they require to function optimally, we thrive. What more could we ask of our bodies than to be able to perform at an optimum for us.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

step away from complacency

The second month of winter already! It’s freezing in the morning as you snuggle up in your cosy bed, then it’s cold and dark early in the evening. It’s easy to come up with excuses rather than get yourself out of bed or off the couch and into motion and, easy to fill yourself up on stodgy food.
Every day we can all come up with an excuse as to why, instead of right now, we will start exercising and eating healthy - tomorrow... on Monday... next week, when it’s warmer again! Why? Because we have to step outside our comfort zone to get the results we are wanting, whether it be weight loss, or to be fitter and healthier. We all have comfort zones a little too small. We know what we like and what works for us, we know what we believe in, so why do we have to venture out to the unknown? Because the rewards are worth it!
What is it you’re after - comfort or transformation?  Make room for change and you’re making room for excitement and adventure!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

change is worth it

Experiencing my own weight loss journey I personally understand what it feels like to be  overweight (read obese!) tired, lethargic, unhealthy and overall not happy with myself.
It’s easy to look at someone else who is overweight and wonder how they ‘let that happen’, vowing we would never allow it to happen to us - or, we subconsciously judge them. At the end of the day we can all often neglect our own health while putting our kids, family, career or other people and ‘things’ ahead of ourselves. However, if you want to take care of others, you have to take care of yourself - first!
If you know you’re not happy with something in your life, then you need to decide what changes you wish to make - if it’s to lose weight then how much? Is it to exercise more frequently? How often? Improve the health of your lifestyle - then in what way? Become fitter? Stronger? Have you preventable illnesses?
When you're sick because of a weight related illness it’s totally in your grasp to change it.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

the best step

When I was 120kgs I was petrified to go to a gym, not a hope in hell I would have. It took till I was 90kgs before I finally walked through the door of one, even then confining myself to the corner where the xtrainer sat with never a look to my left or my right. If I didn't look at anyone, noone would be looking at me, no one could see me, right?!
Until that life changing day though, I walked. On the spot in my lounge, in the dark of the evening. anywhere no one could see the 'fat lady' and laugh at me 'exercising'.
I DO wish I had had the courage to join a gym earlier, the benefits are way too many against the cons. We don't (I didnt) see that back then though. would I have listened if anyone had been a guardian angel encouragement? Always a question I can't answer of course.
Over the past couple of years, role reversal - I have had to 'meet' a few 'at the door' who started off with me doing home visits with them. but oh its so exciting when I then see them take those steps of immersing themselves in a brave new mindset and world when they are ready.
How do I now, continue to reach those people? How do we encourage those of us, men and women - who are larger to take that step, explore the benefits and change their lives from it? is there a way to make 'the gym' less intimidating? Show it isn't just for 'the fit people'. Or, is it? Is that really what 'non gym goers' think? What 'gym goer's' think?
Would love thoughts shared. What helped you to join if you were overweight? Even if you weren't were you comfortable when you first came? Did it take a nagging friend to get you in the door? Was it your own initiative?

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

categories of diet

Eating a healthy diet is of key importance to your weight-loss but we are currently saturated with so much information many people have no idea where to start. There is a substantial market for products which promise to make weight loss easier, quicker, cheaper, more reliable, or less painful. These include books, DVDs, CDs, exercise contraptions, creams, lotions, pills, body wraps, food products and supplements. While some are classified as unhealthy and potentially harmful to general health, others are recommended by specialists. There are endless diet plans and recipes that can be helpful for weight loss, and equally unhelpful.

Head onto Amazon (or any other online book store) and search for ‘diet’ books. The list is endless. Amazon returned 72,748 results. If there is a diet out there, there is a book about it. We certainly don’t have a lack of reading material. But little of it is of value.
Doctor designed! Ultimate diet! Eat more food and lose kgs! Two steps! Boost metabolism! Rapid results! Blast fat! All of them have built in promises that make you think - yes, this one is IT! It’s the answer. We fall for them all but...

Saturday, May 18, 2013

the icarus deception

Brilliant read learn how to be unpredictable and brave... how high will you fly?

In Seth Godin’s most inspiring book, he challenges readers to find the courage to treat their work as a form of art.
Everyone knows that Icarus’s father made him wings and told him not to fly too close to the sun; he ignored the warning and plunged to his doom. The lesson: Play it safe. Listen to the experts. It was the perfect propaganda for the industrial economy. What boss wouldn’t want employees to believe that obedience and conformity are the keys to success?

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

23 hours

Last weekend I headed down to Brisbane for a weight loss conference and found myself amidst an eclectic group of informed  and savvy speakers - psychologists, nutritionists, fitness specialists, doctors - abreast with up to date information regarding obesity in Australia. Globally, there are approximately 350 million obese people and over one billion overweight people.
Those figures are predicted to increase by a staggering 50% by 2015 and according to the International Obesity Taskforce, by 2025 one in every three adults will be obese if current trends continue.
The growing prevalence of obesity in Australia is really scary with 67% of all adults considered overweight or obese, the percentage continuing to rise - rapidly. If the statistics don’t scare you, they should. It’s easy for us to sit back and think it doesn’t affect us if we aren’t overweight, but the fact is, it does. With a huge cost factor to the nation, obesity will continue to affect us all.
The saddest part is that so many people are dying from obesity related illnesses that could be prevented. That’s really hard to hear first hand! Overall about 2.5 millions deaths are attributed to overweight/obesity worldwide. People are dying - when by simply making changes to the way they eat and move, they have the opportunity to live!? WHAT does it take before someone will take action for themselves?

Friday, May 3, 2013

have a great may

What a fast year it has been already. The beginning of May already! A wonderful healthy welcome to new clients over these past few weeks.
Superb results for so many of you for the first part of the year sitting alongside superb attitudes :) The part of what I do that is SO rewarding - continuing to be inspired by the tenacity that you all bring not only to our sessions, but to all your training. Consistency, is always the key word. And dedication to yourself and your goals.

Our health is so much more beyond what we physically look like - and when we eat cleanly, train regularly and rest sufficiently, we feel simply amazing. What could be a better reward!?

Saturday, April 27, 2013

weight loss leaders conference

Yesterday I attended a conference in Brisbane for 'weight loss leaders' – there’s a wordy title! Interesting to say the least, but beyond scary statistically for our futures and the cost of obesity and it’s related illnesses to Australia. There was some amazing, quality speakers and over the next few weeks I will convert all my (comprehensive?! gosh I CAN scribble!) notetaking into useful information to share.

Friday, April 26, 2013

the china study

Principle #02 (from The China Study)
Vitamin supplements are not a panacea for good health.

Because nutrition operates as an infinitely complex biochemical system involving thousands of chemicals and thousands of effects on your health, it makes little or no sense that isolated nutrients taken as supplements can substitute for whole foods. Supplements will not lead to long lasting health and may ...cause unforeseen side effects. The dangers of a Western diet cannot be overcome by consuming nutrient pills.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

the moment you don't give up

Many people will eagerly begin a fitness program then give up after a short time, despite initial good intentions. There are countless individual reasons why this happens, a common one being the majority of us are after, and expect, instant results - especially when it comes to weight loss. When planning to lose weight don’t just think about a short term quick fix, as that quick fix will turn into one yoyo diet after another and prolong your weight loss goals for years to come. Small steps over a manageable period of time will greatly increase achieving the results you are after no matter how big or how little they are, as well as keeping excess weight off for good.

Sometimes the changes along the way appear small, which can make progress feel like a long arduous journey at times, but change WILL be established if you simply keep going and don’t quit. Think long term. Think, life! Weight loss happens the moment you don’t give up.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

no excuses

Do you have a mindset filled with excuses when it comes to exercising? Excuses are something we all use throughout life for many occasions. We justify them. We live with them. And we certainly have an endless supply of them on hand!
By far the most common excuse I hear is “I don’t have time”. Fact is, we all have the same amount of time allocated to us and we are all ‘busy’ - so the real issue is how we prioritise and utilise the time we each have available. So before you use that excuse, look at your weekly schedule and see where you can make exercise sessions a priority, not an afterthought. Mark them as an appointment in your diary, exactly as you would any other commitment. You’re worth it. Aren’t you?

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

ultimate refresher

Why not start your day today with a totally refreshing green juice we call The Ultimate Refresher. Juice 2 golden delicious apples, 1/3 cucumber, 1 stick of celery and a handful of spinach and pour over ice.
This fantastic juice is loaded with sodium and potassium which is perfect for anyone doing any form of exercise as it replaces vital stocks that are used up when working out. Also the spinach is loaded with amino acids which are the building blocks to protein so great for repairing and strengthening muscle tissue too!
*Jason Vale Juicemaster*

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

stay on track

Getting fit through diet and exercise creates big changes in your life - changes you welcome.
But for some family and friends who aren’t in the same mindset, they can be jealous and uncomfortable with your transformation. They can become - your greatest obstacle. Saboteurs! Do you have friends who unwittingly distract you from your goals? Sometimes it’s subtle - an eye-roll or a sarcastic comment. Sometimes it’s more damaging, creating an environment that runs counter to what you’re trying to accomplish. At times they may even appear a tad malicious, but more often than not they can be oblivious and have no idea how they are sabotaging you, or that they even are.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

exercise for seniors

Having officially hit senior status recently exercise and its benefits as the years go by have become a rapidly vital interest.
As we age there are some physical changes taking place that, barring cosmetic surgery, we don’t have control over. Our skin becomes thinner and less elastic, wrinkles appear in great numbers and our hair turns wonderful shades of gray! The good news though is that we can control to a greater degree, the aging of our physical aspects such as posture and weight.
In the gym it’s fabulous when seniors come in and utilise the facilities - armed with the knowledge that with exercise life can be made a lot easier through improvements in strength, balance, coordination, and mobility.

Monday, February 25, 2013

what a day!

Following up from the enjoyment of last years wonderful WFE journo day Michelle and I have now set the date for the first day session this year. Join us!
Challenging training followed with a delicious nutritional lunch and guest speaker and finishing with another trail to explore, its going to be as superb as the last!
Contact either myself (0412 753 899) or Michelle (0429 482 023) by text or email if interested in accompanying us for a fit and fabulous day!
Limited places

Monday, February 18, 2013

pumpkin quesadilla

                  125g pumpkin, peeled and diced
                  ¼ teaspoon cumin, ground
                  ¼ teaspoon coriander, ground
                  juice of ½ lime
                  4 large wholegrain tortillas
                  40g baby spinach leaves, washed
                  ½ 400g can kidney beans, drained
                  50g reduced-fat tasty cheese
                  2 tbs coriander leaves, chopped
Place the pumpkin in a steamer and steam for 8 - 10 minutes, or until cooked and soft. Add the ground cumin and coriander together with half of the lime juice and mix well.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

taking on Emerald

Does running, crawling and wading through five kilometres of mud over, around and through obstacles sound like your idea of an amazingly fun time? An energised group of participants from the Whitsundays including myself thought so this past weekend!
Pink ladies in tutus, flying pig men with capes, babes in bikinis, warriors on the hunt, crime fighting wonder women, a couple of apprentices and fierce SAS soldiers headed in for the mission. Add in one viking bus driver and an errant water bearing volunteer and the adventure was complete.
There were no winners or losers in this event held in Emerald, just lots of excitement, buzz and winning attitudes alongside six hundred other like minded mud loving people in a spectacular array of costumes.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

happy Australia day

we had a LOAD of fun this morning - testing our ocker language and mixing our pushups and burpees amongst jelly races, and egg and spoon races :)

happy Australia day everyone
superb start to it!

all photos here

Sunday, January 13, 2013

sunday brekky january

what a fabulous start to the new year...
great turnout, great training session, great brekky, great conversation, great fun! :) bring on the next one!

all photos here

want to join us next time? Sunday February 6th at 7am, fitness venue Proserpine :)

Thursday, January 10, 2013

banana smoothie

                       Quick and easy shake for breakfast
                              1 cup skim milk
                              2 tbs rolled oats
                              2 tbs low-fat yoghurt
                              ½ small banana
                              2 ice cubes
                       Blend all ingredients for a few minutes and serve.

Monday, January 7, 2013

2013 training

Personal training (one on one) starts back today - 7th January.
And starting back next Saturday 12th - Weekend Warriors 6am at Prossy ... we will start a Monday session in Cannonvale if there are enough interested.
Indoor Warriors - starts back Tuesday 15th and Thursday 17th - both 12noon in Prosperine
Sunday breakfasts will continue this year - the first Sunday of every month. 7am at Proserpine Fitness Venue.
Looking forward to a fabulous year with new and continuing clients :)

facebook   Contact 0412 753 899 or email

Saturday, January 5, 2013

the year begins

Starting back next Saturday 12th - Weekend Warriors 6am at Prossy ...
Indoor Warriors - starts back Tuesday 15th and Thursday 17th - both 12noon
let me know if you're in :)

Photos on facebook
Contact 0412 753 899 or email


                     F. ollow
                     O. ne
                     C. ourse
                     U. ntil
                     S. uccessful