Wednesday, April 4, 2012

easter eggstravaganza ...

The Easter period holds a myriad of temptations for the chocolate lover but with a little focus and motivation, you can resist that enticement and continue with a healthy eating regime.
An important thing to remember is that you are not missing out on anything! Surprisingly Easter isn’t the only time you can eat chocolate. It’s sold every single day of the year! Yet, after a great start many people feel it’s carte blanche to throw all their good work out the window and overindulge in the chocolate goodies! If you don’t want this to be you then having a plan of attack will help. Keep focused on all the hard work you have invested in yourself, and question is gorging on an egg or three, really worth it?
It’s important not to totally forget your healthy eating and exercise habits but having fun is also a top priority. Don’t use the odd overindulgence as an excuse to give up. Losing weight and getting healthy is not a race. So it’s fine to enjoy some Easter treats, the key is moderation.
It’s up to you to set some healthy guidelines. With a little planning now, you and your family can sail through Easter without weight gain and all that it can lead to. Decide right now how much chocolate you will allow at Easter and then stick to it. If your children are given chocolate eggs by well meaning family and friends, then encourage them to share the treats around. Just remember the more sweet food they eat the more they may crave.
Whether toddlers or teens, you could start a new tradition and surprise your kids with a thoughtful Easter basket filled with something that interests them (besides chocolate). Easter baskets don’t have to be chock full of sugar and fat to be fun. Healthy additions make you a thoughtful parent without sacrificing taste. Teach children to eat right while they are young so that they develop a lifetime of good habits.
The other treat enjoyed over Easter is hot cross buns, which have around 2-5g of fat, that’s without adding the additional butter. Make your own healthier version. And. Eat in moderation!
Try to balance any additional treats with healthy family meals and put an emphasis on outdoor activities, walks and exercise to counter balance those treats.
Many healthy options are available in the Whitsundays. We are privvy to some of the best walking tracks and trails around so head out and enjoy the ocean, the rainforests - nature at its best! (It’s NOT going to rain is it? :D )
On Good Friday Fitness Venue Whitsunday will be holding it’s annual Run for Buns - 5km or 10km run - meeting at the Cannonvale Fitness Venue at 7am. Free to join in, you have a choice of the distance you take on, with freshly homemade hot cross buns to return to afterwards. Take on the challenge - would love to see you all there!
And don’t forget in Proserpine, you get 24 hour gym  access for the whole Easter period. Burn the easter calories off with a high intensity workout session!
It’s the final week of the challenge!
Make sure you see in this last week with a smile, a spring in your step and give yourself a pat on the back. You deserve it! Those of you that are a part of the Whitsunday Winners team, don’t forget to log on and put in your final weight so we can get a final team tally.
It doesn’t end after this week! Hopefully over the past ten weeks you have learned to eat more nutritionally, have been exercising consistently,  and have challenged your mind set. You now take all those elements and continue your journey. You know you can! If you want to keep receiving free meal plans, recipes and health resources make sure in your account details you tick the Weigh It Up subscription box.
Due to requests from local fitness enthuasiasts Michelle and I have now included a training option for the Whitsunday Fitness Escape weekend where there is the opportunity for you to join in but still get to lay your head down on your own pillow for the night :) Still a full on fitness experience! No matter what YOUR individual level of fitness, it’s a great opportunity to spike up your training routine or a kickstart towards a healthier lifestyle. It will certainly get you back on track and working towards your goals again after the easter break. Check it out on facebook or head to the website (listed below) for full details.
Have a safe, happy and exciting Easter break, Ann.

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